In the battlefield of Kurushetra, Arjuna is confused and is unable to fight. He sees that he has to fight his own guru Dronacharya, his uncle Bhisma and his very own cousins and family members. He was completely blank and wanted to renounce immediately. He surrendered to Krishna and stated to him, “Hey Keshav, I […]
What is the ideal prayer to Radharani and Krishna while chanting nama-japa, or even in general?
When I was beginning my spiritual journey in 2014, I had heard from a sincere devotee that his prayers are that “Hey Krishna I can leave you anytime, but you please do not leave me whatever. Do save me. I am fallen and influenced by Kali Yuga. Hey Lord, Please save me at all times […]
The confidential secret which makes one advance spiritually leaps and bounds
Rasika Vaishnavas in Vrindavan say that there is a very confidential and hidden secret that makes Krishna very pleased with the seeker and this simple sutra can help skyrocket the spiritual advancement of a devotee by billion times, and they don’t need to go the long way of going through all scriptures, rules and regulations […]