
Just an attempt to meditate on our Sri Vrindavan Dham. No way do we intend to help anyone via this website except ourselves.

Our Prana-Priya (most dear to life) Swamini Radha Rani and Krishna are impossible to meditate without taking shelter of Rasika Vaishnavas and Acharyas, hence I very humbly and with no qualification take shelter of Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada, Aindra Prabhu, many Shiksha Gurus and Vrajvasis to approach and meditate on our Divine Lordships.

We attempt to write on this site without any planning or strategizing of any sort as inspired from within by Sri Vrindavan Dham and by remembering the vani (words and teachings) of our Guru Shishya Parampara.

If you find any points that do not resonate with you, please use your inner gut for direction. Different individuals might differ in their mood but not on siddhanta (core philosophy).

We are not the right persons to pen anything remotely connected to Vrindavan for anybody except for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada, Vrindavan Dham and Divine Couple who are Patita-Pavana, can forgive endlessly and just bestow path to Prema Bhakti without seeing any qualification. So, I am a seeker and am full of mistakes and shortcomings. Kindly ignore and in such a case, take expert guidance from Vaishnavas near you or listen to your antarswar (inner gut and conscience).

Also, a word of advice if you get inspired to read the contents of this site - Please read Nectar of Instruction, Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and foundational books by Srila Prabhupada before going through the contents of this website. 


Vraj Vrindavan is an initiative for own meditation and no way meant for any preaching in any manner whatsoever. It's between Radharani and readers how to interpret content on this site. Totally between them and our Sriji and nothing related to us.

Choose to visit the site or don't, up to you and Radharani. We don't as such officially represent any institute, society, or organisation, and do it just as a personal initiative as directed by our Guru-Tattva for our meditation on our beautiful Sri Vrindavan Dham. 

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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