Temples and Mandirs to visit in Vrindavan

Vrindavan is the holiest town globally with more than 5000 temples! Almost every house here has deities of Krishna, Radharani, Mahaprabhu, Giriraj Ji and just stepping in Vrindavan destroys the sins committed in thousands of lifetimes (stated by Srila Rupa Goswami in Mathura Mahatmya).

I have compiled a list of few most popular and visited temples (mandir) in Vrindavan: 

Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir (ISKCON)

A very popular temple flocked by devotees worldwide, Krishna Balarama Mandir is also popularly known as ISKCON Vrindavan and locally known as Angrez Mandir. It was established by Founder of Hare Krishna Movement - A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. The main deities are Sri Sri Krishna Balarama, Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar and Sri Sri Gaur Nitai. Adjacent to Gaur Nita, there are deities of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada (Guru Maharaj of Srila Prabhupada). There is 24-hour kirtan going on here in the main temple hall. It was re-started by Sripad Aindra Prabhu in 1986.

Check the detailed guide of ISKCON Vrindavan here.

Banke Bihari Mandir

Banke Bihari Temple is highly popular throughout India and globally as well. It is one amongst most visited temple in Vrindavan. The deity of Thakur Ji here was found by Swami Haridas at Nidhivan. The darshan of Banke Bihari Lal Ji is a treat to the eyes and is quite different from other temples. The curtain opens and closes every 10-30 seconds as it is said that anybody who constantly looks at Bihari Ji will go in samadhi and will no more be sane for the outside world.

Check the detailed guide of Banke Bihari Mandir here.

Radha Vallabha Mandir

Radha Vallabha Temple is one of the most known temples in Vrindavan. It is just about 200 metres from Banke Bihari Mandir. The temple is very special for an inner secret that you can find in detail in the link mentioned below.

Check the guide of Radha Vallabha Mandir here.

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Radha Damodar Mandir

The deities of Sri Sri Radha Damodar was carved by Srila Rupa Goswami, who gave Them to Srila Jiva Goswami for worship. The Founder of Hare Krishna Movement, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada stayed in this mandir for 6 years and wrote several books including Srimad Bhagavatam. Also, the samadhi of Srila Rupa Goswami is situated at Radha Damodar Ji Mandir. There is samadhi or resting place of many Gaudiya Acharyas and Rasika Vaishnavs in the samadhi area. The temple also houses the Govardhan Shila given to Srila Sanatana Goswami by Krishna Himself. If one takes 4 parikramas of Radha Damodar Ji, it is equivalent to doing a Govardhan Parikrama itself.

Check the detailed guide of Radha Damodar Mandir here.

Radha Shyamsundar Mandir

The deities of Sri Sri Radha Shyamsundar is a temple established by Shyamananda Prabhu who received the deity of Shyamsundar Ji from Radharani directly. 

Check the detailed guide of Radha Shyamsundar Mandir here.

Radha Govind Mandir

This is an iconic mandir established by Srila Rupa Goswami. It is one of the very popular and grand mandirs in Vrindavan. The temple was razed by Aurangzeb and deities of Radha Govind Dev Ji were shifted to Jaipur. The original deities are still in Jaipur and the mandir there is extremely popular as well. There is a new Govinda Dev Ji Mandir made just behind the main temple and a pratibhimba murti of Govind Ji is worshipped there.

Meera Bai Mandir

Meera Bai Mandir is located just nearby Nidhivan (hardly 2-minute walking distance). This is the place where Meera Bai used to stay while she was here in Vrindavan. The temple has the original shaligrama shila worshipped by Meera Bai. The old pujari baba is the descendant of the same family who actually offered the place to Meera Bai to stay and do bhajan. The temple has very powerful vibes and is very less visited, hence you can site in peace and do your bhajan here.

Check the detailed guide of Meera Bai Mandir here.


Nidhivan is a rasa-sthali where Krishna dances with gopis and Sri Radhika in the mid-night. This should not be seen from the material plane of vilas (enjoyment) but from the platform of prema-bhakti where the atma (soul) meets the paramatma Sri Krishna. These gopis are no ordinary girls but exalted sages and Vaishnavas who have done years of tapasya to have Krishna as their husband. Also, Krishna dances with every gopis at the same time and every gopi feel that Krishna is only with Her and nobody else. It requires blessings of Rasika Vaishnavs and sincere prayers unto Srimati Radharani to invoke blessings from Them to understand this inner confidential lila. All the trees in Nidhivan are bent and it presents a very uncanny and a powerful spiritual vibe while inside the premises of Nidhivan. It is said by exalted saints that the trees in Nidhivan are gopis meditating on the nitya-lilas of Srimati Radharani and Krishna.

Check the detailed travel guide of Nidhivan here.

Radha Ramana Mandir

Radha Ramana Lal Ji is the deity of Gopal Bhatta Goswami. He appeared from shaligram shila when Gopal Bhatta Goswami had the desire to have a deity.

Check the detailed guide of Radha Raman Mandir here.

Radha Gokulananda Mandir

The temples have deities of Radha Gokulanadna Ji (worshipped by Viswanath Chakravarti Thakur), Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (worshipped by Narotamma Das Thakur), Radha Vinod (worshipped by Loknath Goswami), Vijay Govinda (worshipped by Baladeva Vidyabhusna) and Giriraj Shila locket (gifted to Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami by Mahaprabhu). The temple is just a couple of minutes walk from Radha Raman Lal Ji and is very peaceful. You get a vintage and nice spiritual feel in the main courtyard. There is samadhi area of many Gaudiya Rasika Vaishnavas including Loknath Goswami, Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur and Narotamma Das Thakur.

Radha Gopinath Mandir

The deities of Radha Gopinath Ji was established by Vajranabh, the grandson of Krishna. He appeared in the dream of Paramananda Bhattacharya and got Gopinath Ji excavated, and entrusted Madhupandita Goswami to re-established the worship of Gopinath Ji. Jahnava Maiya used to worship here. It is said that Jahnava Maiya merged in the deities of Gopinath Ji to end her earthly pastimes. It is the only temple where Jahnava Maiya is to the left of Krishna and not Srimati Radharani, who is in fact on the right. In Nitya-Goloka Lila, Jahnava Maiya is Ananga Manjari, Srimati Radharani's younger sister.

Gopeshwar Mahadev Mandir

Lord Shiva resides here in the form of Gopi, hence his name is Gopeshwar Mahadev. As described in Srimad Bhagavatam, Lord Shiva is vaishnavam yatha sambhu, which means that he is the topmost Vaishnav or topmost devotee of Krishna. Shiva Ji wanted to participate in raas but no male is allowed in there as Krishna is the only purusha and rest all are prakriti for His pleasure. Hence, to please his Lord, He took the form of gopi and was allowed to enter the raas lila. The darshan of Gopeshwar Mahadev Ji is very soothing and she (he) is dressed as a gopi here. It is said that Gopeshwar Mahadev immediately sanctions residence in Vraj if anybody sincerely prays here. He is the shetrapal of Vridnvan.

Radha Madana Mohana Mandir

The deity of Radha Madana Mohana Dev Ji was worshipped by Srila Sanatana Goswami. It is located just a bit of Kaliya Ghat and one needs to climb on stairs to reach there. The view of Vrindavan and Yamuna from the hill-top temple is spectacular.

Prem Mandir

Prem Mandir is one of the most visited temples in Vrindavan because of it's huge architecture, white marbles design, and grand area. There is an evening water show depicting many lilas of Krishna. It is a treat to watch the Vrindavan lilas on the water fountain and it looks really something breathtaking. The mandir is located on 2 floors and there are many painting and decorations throughout the temple. Once the sun sets, the entire Prem Mandir is lit with colourful lights which makes it look even further beautiful. Though, it is flocked mostly by tourists and not much by devotees.

Check the detailed guide of Prem Mandir here.

Rangnath Ji

This is the largest temples in Vrindavan in terms of area. The main deity is Vishnu who is rather in a sheshnayi pose or sitting on Balrama Ji's expansion Anant Shehsa. The deity here is worshipped as per traditions from South-India. However, one is really wowed by the sheer architecture and grandness of this temple.

Garuda Govinda Mandir

Garuda Govinda Mandir is located near Chatikara and has deities of Garuda Govinda, and Garuda Ji, Vishnu's vehicle. The temple is very peaceful and you can meditate in peace as it is very less visited. It is at this place that Krishna showed His Narayan form seated on Garuda Ji to His sakhas. The deity here was originally established by Vajranabh, the great-grandson of Krishna.

Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir

Vrindavan Chadroya Mandir is a very talked-about temple globally as the tallest Hindu temple. It is being made by ISKCON Bangalore with a cost of 300-350 crores and is expected to be completed by 2024.

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