Vrinda Kund

Vrinda Kund is located around 3 km from Nandgaon. It is the village of Vrinda Devi, who is none other than Tulsi Maharani. It is Vrinda Devi who arranges all the passtimes of Radha and Krishna. There is an annual Tulsi Vivah festival celebrated at Vrinda Kund in Kartik every year. Vrinda Devi arranges the asta-kaliya […]

Bhandirvan Travel Guide

Bhandirvan is one of 12 forests of Vrindavan. It is at Bhandirvan that Radharani and Krishna got married. Though, the special thing about this marriage is that it was not performed in front of the whole world but it was arranged by yoga-maya potency of Lord.  Lord Brahma acted as the priest of the marriage […]


Barsana is the eternal residence of Sri Radha. It is located around 52 Km from Mathura and around 120 Km from New Delhi. The very name Barsana means “falling, scattering or spreading.” The meaning of Barsana as explained by saints here is that mercy and karuna (compassion, love) of Srimat Radharani is spreading, falling or […]

Vrindavan Detailed Travel Guide | To-Do List, History, Darshan, Mandir, Weather, How to Reach, Hotels, Festivals, Radha Krishna Stories

Many people often have a deep desire to visit Vrindavan and at some point in life plan to visit Vrindavan once. They have a conception that Vrindavan would be like forests and untouched with modernisation. Contrary to the notion what people have in their mind, externally Vrindavan has undergone a rapid level of infrastructural progress […]


Nandgaon is a village located around 9 km from Barsana and is the place which was constructed by Nand Baba on the hilltop to protect the baby Krishna from the attacks of demons sent by Kansa on a daily basis. Krishna spent his growing years here at Nandgaon. There is a big beautiful temple atop […]

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