Worship Vrindavan!🪔

Offer your loving devotional Deep Daan🪔 to Vrindavan Dham! (FREE!)

Any devotional life in Vrindavan Dham is amplified 1000 times more than in any other place!



Vraj Vrindavan offers Deep Daan🪔 on behalf of all our sincere readers like yourselves in various temples and places in Vraj Bhumi (like Yamuna Maharani, Radha Damodar Mandir, Srila Rupa Goswami Samadhi Mandir, Sri Radha Gokulanand Mandir, Giriraj Govardhan, Radha Kund, Bhandirvan, Barsana, Kusum Sarovar, ISKCON Vrindavan and more).

Simply submit your details below and we will mail you back with the pictures of Diya Offerings once done. We usually offer Diya on behalf of Vraj Vrindavan community every weekend.


Read the significance of offering Diya in Vrindavan Dham here.

What book will count the numberless glories of Vrindavan? What philosophy will explain the sweet pastimes of the divine couple in Vrindavan?
- Vrindavan Mahimamrta


P.S. This is a FREE initiative so that all of us can benefit spiritually.

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!
Hare Krishna!


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