Nidhivan is popularly known as the place where Krishna and Srimati Radharani meet in the midnight for the rasa-dance festival along with Their sakhis (female friends). It has been given a lot of media coverage and hype amongst the general Indian masses. There are so many videos (mostly news channel ones) where they give suspense […]
Weather in Vrindavan
The temperature in Vrindavan is peculiar and is really extreme. It’s not easy to adapt to weather in Vrindavan unless one takes shelter of nama and Rasika Vaishnavas. The detailed temperature in Vrindavan and Vraj Bhumi in different seasons of the year are as follows: Mid-April to Mid-July: Very hot and humid with temperature meter […]
5 rasas or expression of love with Krishna for the liberated jivas
Scriptures and Rasika Vaishnavs mention about 5 rasas which only a fully liberated soul (jiva) when in complete awareness of their spiritual identity or eternal relationship with Divine Couple can serve Them in different bhavas. 5 Transcendental Rasas of a devotee for Krishna Shant Rasa Here, the jiva takes a form which is not directly […]
What is nama-aparadha, nama-abhas and shudh-nama? [Confidential]
The stages of nama (both nama japa and nama sankitana) are of 3 types: Nama Aparadha Nama Abhas Shuddh Nama Nama Aparadha At nama-aparadha level, we might be chanting with the 10 offences or often for our material gain. This is a selfish type of chanting where if Krishna presents a test or struggle before […]
What is asta-kaliya lila of Radharani and Krishna?
As we know, the day is made up of 24 hours. There are 8 prahar (period) each of around 3 hours in the 24 hour period. Asta stands for the number 8, and kaliya means time period. So each prahar is of 3 hours (approx) and the 8 (asta) periods (prahars) make the entire day […]