Krishna as Jagannath is based in Puri and everybody knows about it. But very few know that Jagannath Ji actually appeared in Vrindavan for the first time! We will attempt to discuss this in a short paraphrased manner. So, after Krishna had left Vrindavan (for the lila purpose. He never leaves Vrindavan in truth), Radharani […]
Vraj Vrindavan | Digital Diary #6 | Feb 25-27′ 20 | Work, Vraj Vrindavan App, Aindra Prabhu App, Gokul, Barsana
Feb 25 – Work. Crazy work! Then nama japa and lectures by Rasika Acharyas before dozing off to sleep. Also, was inspired by Sri Vrindavan Dham to write a detailed biography of Krishna today morning impromptu. I had begun posting articles on this site consistently only for my own meditation from late Dec ’19 (around […]
The real personification of MAD and CRAZY people!
When somebody lying in the streets of Vrindavan keeps on chanting and crying “Radha Radha Radha, Hey Radha, Sri Radha,” then the normal people from the outside world think that these seekers have gone mad and crazy. They think that these people are not only mad but stupid as well. They firmly believe that these […]
How should sincere seekers avoid getting bewildered on the path of spirituality?
This material illusion (mayadevi) is very strong. Every moment, Krishna makes you go on the transformational path. In your spiritual journey, you will definitely be made aware of weird and surprising facts that will really confuse you and will take you out of spirituality. Basically, there would be thousands of tests and the seeker’s spiritual faith […]
Why my mind gets scared without a reason and why I feel a lot of negativity and fear from within in my daily and spiritual life?
Rasika Acharyas say that there is only one solution to this, and that is to take shelter of Lotus Feet of Krishna and do intense nama-japa. It is only then that one can become fearless. Here, no lifestyle and all that half baked philosophy will work except taking shelter of Lotus Feet of Krishna (Read […]
Vraj Vrindavan | Digital Diary #4 | Feb 19 & 20′ 20 | Radha Damodar Temple, 1st & 2nd Initiation Secrets, Radha Kund Snan, Bhandirvan Trip
Feb 19: On some days, I get inspired to impromptu go and do my 16 rounds and Gayatri at Srila Prabhupada’s room and Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada’s Samadhi Mandir at Radha Damodar Mandir. Today also the same stuff happened. While I woke up today morning and looked at the picture of Radharani adjacent to my […]
Advancing Spiritually Secrets: Staying away from the bad association who drift us away
In the initial days of bhakti, you always have to keep your bhajan (spiritual life) protected by not associating with people who talk material non-sense (As mentioned in the third and fourth verse of Srila Rupa Goswami’s Nectar of Instruction). Associate with premi actual pure Rasika devotees (fifth and sixth verse of Nectar of Instruction) to advance spiritually. In the initial days, the […]
Why listening to kirtan of Srila Prabhupada, Aindra Prabhu and Rasika Vaishnavas (and surrendering to them) help attain Vrindavan Prema Rasa quicker?
Chanting the holy names of Lord (or nama) Hare Krishna Hare Krishna | Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Rama Rama Rama | Rama Rama Hare Hare is done in two ways – nama japa and nama sankirtana. Nama japa is a personal remembrance of Divine Lordships on japa-beads. It is a personal seva. It […]
What is Sneha Samyukta & Samyak Harinam Sankirtan?
Sneha means with love (prema) and samyukta means complete engagement! Sneha Samyukta Harinam Sankirtan is complete engagement in congregational chanting of holy names (explained and stressed by our dear Aindra Prabhu again and again in his lectures and book). Aindra Prabhu has mercifully pulled us back to the crux of all devotional practices of Kali […]
May Vrindavan Dham and my Queen Sri Radha give me eternal vrajvas and colour me in the shower of Prema Rasa!
Radharani and Krishna are doing causeless mercy (aheutiki kripa) on us and we are drowning in it. If one just thinks about this in meditation internally, then Rasika Acharyas say that this will manifest in real and one can experience it from within. One should read the complete inner confidential biography (till bottom) of Sri […]