Rasika Vaishnavas often state how much will you perform devotional practice on own strength. One moment you are in deep realisation and remembrance of Lord and the very next moment, a visual of mayadevi comes and all the remembrance goes for a toss. The brilliant example of Saurabhi Muni is well known. He meditated inside […]
Did Radharani and Krishna marry?
This is one of most asked question from the general crowd as well as seekers beginning their journey in spirituality. Did Radha and Krishna marry? Rasika Vaishnavas, exalted saints and Vedic Texts never give a generic answer in spirituality to any question. The answer depends on the person asking the question. They give answers that […]
The inner confidential meaning of Bhagavan or God
Parasara Muni describes Krishna as Bhagavan in Vishu Purana (6.5.47) – aishvaryasya samagrasya. Aishvarya means opulence and revered qualities of somebody. Parasara Muni is calling Krishna as the owner of 6 opulence – wealth, beauty, fame, knowledge, strength and renunciation. We will get back to what is special about these 6 qualities very shortly. It […]
Who are Rasika Vaishnavas?
Rasika Vaishnavas are exalted saints who have achieved the stage of prema-bhakti. They have elevated themselves to the asakti (attachment to the Lotus Feet of Krishna and Radharani) stage by their own endeavour of lalsa (desire), lobha (greed) and desperation to attain topmost spiritual perfection, and then achieved the stage of complete prema-bhakti by kripa […]
The inner confidential Vrindavan mood of Panchtattva & how to use this big secret to do intense rasamayi bhajan?
The Panchtattva – Mahaprabhu, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Acharya, Gadhadhara Pandit and Srivas Acharya are most merciful. Mahaprabhu is the audarya (most magnanimous) avatar of Krishna who gives vraj-prema-bhakti to everybody without seeing any qualification at all! Mahaprabhu’s Harinam Sankirtan movement is for the fallen and it provides the highest prema-bhakti to the lowest conditioned jiva-tattva. […]
How to see the real swarup (form) of Vrindavan? How will Vrindavan manifest in the heart?
This article might not be for everyone, but especially for those who are sincerely chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra or holy names of Lord and love Vrindavan Dham very very much. There might be some inner direction for rare few sincere seekers in this article. If anybody is reading this and is aspiring for topmost prema […]
I am full of material conditioning namely lust, greed, pride, envy and ego. Am I worthy to take shelter of Krishna?
Rasika Acharyas give a very interesting answer to this. If one is free of illness, is he required to go to hospital? Nope, Isn’t it? Hospital is meant to cure people of illness. Likewise, we give our clothes to the dhobi (washerman) only when it becomes dirty. Similarly, owing to our conditioning of birth after […]
What is the real nature of true bhajan (devotion) & what is the benefit of following rules & regulations of Vedic Scriptures?
As per Rasika Acharyas, the true bhajan (devotion) is when one can meditate and remember Krishna without effort. To come to this spontaneous stage of devotion, it is necessary to follow rules and regulations of scriptures, chant nama-japa and follow the four regulative principles in a disciplined manner. As one advances in the spiritual life […]
What is the form of Radharani, how She looks like and how to meditate on Her? [Confidential]
Anybody reading this who doesn’t know about nama japa should first read this to understand the content of this article better. So, Rasika Acharyas say that until there is constant chanting of holy names in form of nama japa or nama sankirtan, it is impossible that rupa (form) of Radharani will sprout in the heart. […]
What Krishna does is what pleases me (Sri Radha)❤ Joi Joi Pyaro Karo Soi More Bhave (Extremely Confidential)
Joi Joi Pyaro Karo Soi More Bhave Bhave More Joi Soi Soi Karo Pyaro English Translation: Whatever Krishna does is what pleases me, and whatever pleases me is what Krishna does. This verse is extremely popular amongst the sincere seekers in Vrindavan. This is totally not an ordinary verse but is most most special and […]