sādhu-saṅga, nāma-kīrtana, bhāgavata-śravaṇa mathurā-vāsa, śrī-mūrtira śraddhāya sevana In this verse from Chaitanya Caritamrta (Madhya Lila 22.128), Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is instructing Srila Santana Goswami about the process of devotional service. He states that there are 64 ways of devotional service but out of them, 5 are considered the best. He describes these five devotional services in […]
Who is Keshav for vrajavasis – Killer of Keshi Demon, Sri Krishna or one who combs the hair of Sri Radha?
In the battlefield of Kurushetra, Arjuna is confused and is unable to fight. He sees that he has to fight his own guru Dronacharya, his uncle Bhisma and his very own cousins and family members. He was completely blank and wanted to renounce immediately. He surrendered to Krishna and stated to him, “Hey Keshav, I […]
Is there day, night, sunrise and sunset in groves of Goloka Vrindavan?
Rasika Acharyas say that this is something which one can know in real terms when they get back there to Goloka Vrindavan in their eternal constitutional position. Goloka Vrindavan is beyond the time and three modes of material nature. It is transcendental. We do seva (service) to the deities here as per our time (of […]
I am fallen and don’t know anything about spirituality. Am I eligible to practice devotional path of vraj-prema-bhakti?
Rasika Acharyas say that to call our father as our father, we don’t need to study Vedas and ask anybody. Krishna is our nitya (eternal) father. But yes, to revive back this knowledge in the complete form that Krishna is our father, we definitely should read Vedic scriptures to advance spiritually (Read Beginner’s Spirituality Guide […]
Why not to see even good quality in anyone?
This discussion might be relevant for all but might resonate much better with those who are chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra or are practising devotional service in the Vaishnav Marg (path). So, Rasika Acharyas mention it again and again that a sincere seeker who is aspiring for topmost vraj-prema-bhakti should even refrain from […]
How to be a normal sane human being first? (The 4 mandatory regulative principles for all)
The following are 4 regulative principles everyone should follow regardless they are in spiritual life or not. Every scripture mentions it again and again. Srila Prabhupada emphasised on it prior to accepting a discipline, and so do any Rasika Vaishnavas. These 4 principles are based on 4 pillars of dharma – austerity, cleanliness, truthfulness and […]
Who are eligible to read Aindra Prabhu’s book?
Sripad Aindra Prabhu is our dear guru tattva manifestation who had mercifully appeared by the will of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to redirect us to the mukhya prayojana (main goal) of raganuga madhurya prema bhakti by sincerely taking to yuga dharma harinam sankirtan as the only main mode of worship. Please read this article until the bottom […]
Meaning of ‘Srila’ and ‘Sripad’
Meaning of Srila Srila is composed of two words Sri and La. Sri means beauty. It is also an honorary term for a respectable person (as a mark of respect for them). La means lila (or passtimes of Divine Couple Sri Radha and Sri Krishna). So, Srila is a title of honour awarded to sanyasis […]
Shiksha Guru (Confidential)
Shiksha Guru is the manifestation of guru tattva whom you can meet in person, listen to lectures, communicate and take instructions. There can be many Shiksha gurus. The basic meaning of this is something everybody knows. We won’t dive much into this subject but would rather see it from a perspective of who is the right […]
The inner confidential mood of vrajvasis (Residents of Vrindavan)
Vrajvasis or residents of Vrindavan are very special. They consider that Radharani is theirs and they are of Radharani’s. They own Sri Radha. It is in the line of topmost prema-bhakti. Externally, they may appear normal but it requires kripa (mercy) of Vrindavan Dham to see their inner love. There’s a reason why devotees who […]