Book Your Complete Chart Reading

  • I keep empathy, warmth and personal attention as the sole focus for every single reading. It has been such a learning experience to connect with many amazing people and seekers from all walks of life throughout the globe and make life-long friendships with them via this humble initiative of personalised astrological reading. I have humbly and genuinely tried to share what have learnt by the mercy and grace of my teachers in all this while.
  • As much as I wish to connect to everybody, owing to such a high number of requests, I unwillingly have to limit the readings to people with certain combinations in their horoscopes where I can genuinely add value for them towards a holistic life.
  • Simply email your Name and Birth Details (Date, Time & Place) to my email id
  • I will go through your horoscope and if I deem it with certain combinations where I can genuinely add value to your life, you will receive an email reply from my end within the next 20 days with the complete details to book the reading. For medical issues or related to children, I will try my humble best to arrange a quick reading from my side.
  • Sometimes, if the requests are too high, I may potentially select charts which have high priority and urgent burning issues as compared to others. Hence, I recommend reaching out only if there is something genuinely important.
  • If it is not something majorly important or if you don't receive a response in the next 20 days, you can prefer to join the Complete Predictive Astrology Course instead to empower yourself to be self-dependent in reading and predicting your own and family member's charts, and taking remedial action, apart from taking to holistic & balanced life. This is a very powerful course that I have humbly designed by layering it with the knowledge I have received from the blessings of my teachers and also my experience of taking readings of thousands of people from all walks of social hierarchy across the globe, most of whom I have developed a very strong friendship with as my core focus has always been empathy and warmth.
  • I wish you the very best for a holistic and spiritual-centred life. Thank You! Hare Krishna! 🙏🏻

P.S. Existing Clients who have taken a reading earlier and wish to book a follow-up reading, kindly reach out on WhatsApp itself. I will connect on a priority basis, usually within 1-3 days.🙏🏻

Aman Kashyap
Vraj Vrindavan

Sunset in fields of Vrindavan

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