Case Studies of How I See and Predict the Chart

Case Study 1: A descendant of a prominent royal family from Rajasthan

While reading this astrological chart prior to the reading, I had found traits regarding Ma'am's speech to be very warm, and elegant and also that her choice of words would be very outstanding as if someone from a royal background. I connected on a call with her and mentioned the same. She agreed to all of it and in great humility revealed that she comes from a royal lineage in Rajasthan.

I then asked if she has some crazy hidden knowledge about a variety of spheres of life that she doesn't quite share with the outside world. To this, she replied that she can read people in and out, and can predict how much it will rain by actually feeling it beforehand on her body apart from many such insights!  She also humbly shared that she is well trained and proficient dancer. I further told correctly that she must be having a crazy intuition, too strong compared to people in general.

After getting a few more right predictions, I progressed to hear about her problems. The chart guided that hers was not an ordinary chart and all the problems arising were simply to push her completely towards Krishna. Although she had Krishna as the base of her life but was somehow unable to practice devotional life as the epicenter.

There are some charts that specifically require just a basic reading of some Krishna Lila and that would solve their issue, but she had a very strong 12th house, which is of spirituality and so I concluded that the more she gets one point focused on Krishna, troubles would vanish on own!

Although she was very senior to me in terms of age yet was valuing each word and gave a lot of blessings. All of it was connecting on a very emotional plane, and she was very kind and courteous during the entire conversation.

Case Study 2: Interaction with a Couple - IAS & Govt. Bank Senior Employee

I was taking consultations as usual and so it happened one day that I was on a call with this person. He is a doctor and a devotee, and had also previously read our book, "Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan" which was compiled completely by Radharani's mercy.

So he didn't have much interest in the astrological chart but booked the consultation simply to talk to me as he had been an avid reader of the site for many years. After a while, I got to know that he was my junior from school, 5 years younger than me!!

At the end of the long and warm conversation centred around Vrindavan, Srila Prabhupada and devotional service, I told him some details according to his chart which were completely in resonance. So the next day, he booked a consultation for his sister too but didn't share any details regarding her.

As soon as I opened his sister's chart, I found that she had been fairly lucky in her life. When I spoke to her, she confirmed the same. I asked her if her husband is attached to his mother and deals with the masses, is professionally in an authoritative position and is street smart. She answered yes, and responded with humility that her husband was an IAS officer.

She also said that she had a keen interest in administration since childhood, but I told her that she might have had an interest but never sincerely prepared for UPSC exams. She laughingly agreed and was even perplexed to hear it and confirmed it as true indeed.

She then shared that she was working in a Govt. Bank and seeing the planet placement I told her that she must be in the loan department. She was astonished to know this and said yes! Though shocked, she was yet pleased to know how can a chart reveal so much. I further progressed to hear her issue and provided remedy from Vedic Scriptures and also gave her a timeline around which her issue would be resolved.

I also mentioned that it might not look right now but her husband would be taking to spirituality later in his life. She was very happy to hear this and blessed me a lot towards the end of the call.

Case Study 3: Professor & Researcher

I got this call and his choking voice was signifying a very worried and difficult type of situation. While seeing his chart, I had seen prominent and major disagreements with his wife after marriage. As I always do, I predicted a certain number of traits and events. I told him that his educational background was very nice, and he must have completed his qualifications early on and cleared a competitive government examination.

He agreed and said that he holds Rank 2 in Rajasthan in the state-level examination and is a Senior Govt. College Professor. I further mentioned that he must have received a lot of awards and recognition from the government and even a lot of promotions before time. He immediately confirmed all of it.

We then progressed further and discussed his issue. It was an emergency kind of situation in his marriage life, the inner details of which cannot be shared.
Anyway, I never plan what remedy to give and it's more like how the chart guides. According to Sir's chart, I advised him that if he takes a regular short-term spiritual or religious trip or travels with his wife, the issue that they both are facing would be solved.

The next evening, Sir texted me that he did take a trip to Radha Govind Dev Ji temple in Jaipur and since the time they returned back, the issue was solved magically. Even I couldn't fathom how quickly Krishna's mercy can bypass all the trials and tribulations.

Sir thanked me and I thanked Krishna for being so merciful!

Case Study 4: Doctor from JIPMER

I connected on a call with this dynamic young person who is quite young, which I knew because of the birth details. Yet after reading the chart, I could make out that he definitely must have had a very prestigious educational background. I predicted the same and he revealed that he was in his last year MBBS from JIPMER, one of the top 3 medical colleges in India.

I further told him that his intuition must be impeccable and that he could talk to the unknown. He agreed and accepted that since childhood he has been able to hear sounds and voices which others cannot and can even communicate to them.

I then mentioned that he must be having a strong spiritual inclination to which he said that he is fondly going through the Bhagavad Gita.

I then progressed to hear his issues. Further into the conversation, he replied that he has had an inclination towards machines since childhood and was working on a project of medical devices which could potentially change the face of medical sciences in India.

Instead of appreciating him instantly, I went through the chart again seeing the business aspect and warned him to be very careful with the persons he was choosing as his core team. I told him that if the member working with him intimately on this project didn't have the same mindset as him, he could face legal troubles in times ahead.

Not to my surprise, he revealed that one of the cofounders had tried to trick him in the past due to which he had to call off that business relationship with him.

On a concluding note, I also added that he should try to raise investment for his startup from a PE or VC firm before a certain timeline as I see vertical growth for him in that sphere.

He was quite perplexed and at the same time very happy that he was able to receive guidance on an intellectual level.

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