The Important Inner Reason For Celibacy & How To Practice It! (Book – IMP!!)



Celibacy is regarded as so important by the Vedic Scriptures but owing to the environment of negative advertising & free availability of wrong content on smartphones, even young children, leave apart elders are ruining their celibacy from a very early age.

These types of topics are usually taboo subjects due to societal prejudices and are not discussed in the public domain but this discussion from a scientific and inner perspective is needed for the benefit of us all.


This book 'The Important Inner Reason For Celibacy & How To Practice It' is a critical research presentation on celibacy for sincere seekers, taken from bonafide scriptures, teachings of bonafide Acharyas and important scientific & academic essays.

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This book is suggested for everybody to become better humans who don't commoditise & objectify the opposite gender, and make life holistic and aligned to the teachings of Vedic Scriptures and bonafide Acharyas.

This book will be of massive help throughout life with the cheat codes and tips to bypass the urge of destroying celibacy.

Excerpts from the book:

Krishna tells to Arjuna that desire and lust (kama) is like hunger that can never be fulfilled. The more you provide the facilities to fulfil it, the more it amplifies!


Only when we get the higher pleasure is the false pleasure finished. Just by the practice of celibacy, one gets big strength to walk in any direction in life.


When the fire of lust strikes a seeker, leave apart spiritual pursuits, even the welfare of the world is forgotten! 


A man is known by his brahmacharya (celibacy) and women by her chastity.


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E-Book ₹300

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Celibacy Book Back Cover


Language: English
Publication Date: June 4, 2023
No. of Pages: 54

Vraj Vrindavan (

The Inner Reason For Celibacy and How To Practice Celibacy

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