Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan – About Author

Aman Kashyap

Presently living a semi-retired life in Vrindavan digging in the deeper meaning and purpose of human birth. I actively write about my experiences and learnings in Vrindavan on this site. I have been mercifully blessed by Sri Vrindavan Dham to take up residence here since Dec ’17, and I am a seeker in quest of Srimati Radharani and Krishna playing in the groves of Vraj Vrindavan, following in the mood of Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Prabhupada and Sripad Aindra Prabhu.

Professionally, I am an engineer turned storyteller, filmmaker, internet entrepreneur and media consultant. Now, isolated from all the hustle and bustle, and handle my own portfolio and investments via capital market derivative instruments.

I hold an engineering degree from Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai. Being a student for life, I also have a penchant for studying Vedic scriptures, computer programming, predictive sciences (astrology), human behaviour, history, psychology, finance, and analytics.

Vatsala Upadhyay Kashyap

By Srila Prabhupada’s mercy and grace, Sri Vrindavan Dham is my all in all. I love writing for meditation on my Divine Couple by merely attempting to remember and translate vani (words) of Rasikajana.

By Guru Kripa, I am fond of writing and painting about pastimes of Divine Couple as described by Rasikajana in their compilations and vani. I am a science graduate from University of Delhi.

Nikunj Painting by Vatsala

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