Philosophy of Mayavadis or Impersonalists: Advaita or Kewaladvaita. Advaita is derived from two words ‘A’ (not) and ‘Dwaita’ (two). So, it means not two. They say that there is nothing but only spiritual effulgence (brahman or impersonal formless feature). They follow principle of ‘aham brahasmi’ or I am Brahman, and ‘sarvavam khalvidam brahman’ or all […]
In devotional life, how should we ask questions for our spiritual advancement?
As I have learnt by the grace and mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Guru Shishya Parampara, there are certain etiquettes of asking questions in Vaishnav Siddhanta. Questions should be asked in a humble and submissive mode, and strictly not in a loud, authoritative or dominant tone to any manifestations of Guru Tattva. While asking questions, […]
Why Sanatan Dharma is against killing cows? [Scientific & In-depth Analysis]
The cow dung (gobar) cake has better antiseptic properties than the antiseptic cream that are available in the market. It is generally seen that the walls in huts of villages are coated with cow dung. This coating of cow dung filters and removes out the UV radiations and keeps the temperature cooler in summer season, and […]
What is nama-japa and nama-sankirtana? [Confidential]
Chanting the holy names of Lord (or nama) Hare Krishna Hare Krishna | Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Rama Hare Rama | Rama Rama Hare Hare is done in two ways – Nama Japa and Nama Sankirtana. Nama Japa Nama Japa is a personal remembrance of Divine Lordships on japa-beads. It is a personal seva. It purifies […]
Uddhav Gopi Sanvad – How Uddhav Ji left impersonalist philosphy & surrendered to Radharani & Gopis
The Uddhava Gopi sanvad (conversation) is epitome of conversation where Uddhav Ji, an impersonalist leaves his philosophy and eventually surrenders to feet of Radharani and the Gopis. The pastime goes as follows – Once Krishna was missing Radharani and Gopis very badly so He asked Uddhav Ji, His cousin and a Brahma Gyani, fully realised […]
How did Jiva initially want to enjoy the material world separate from Krishna? Where did Jivatma come from?
A sincere, kripa patra devotee of Divine Couple from UK asked the following questions, to which was just made to compile the answers based on the merciful teachings of our Srila Prabhupada, predecessor Acharyas and Six Goswamis. Here are the questions: How did the jivatma initially want to enjoy the material realm separate from Krishna? […]
Guru Acharya Shishya Parampara
For spiritual perfection, a seeker should take shelter of a bonafide Guru coming in line with authentic Guru Shishya Parampara under any of 4 Sampradayas (Read about Guru Tattva here). The Guru Shishya Parampara in Brahma Madhava Gaudiya Sampradaya Krishna Brahma Narada Vyasa Madhva Muni (Purnaprajna) Padmanabha Narhari Madhava Aksobhya Madhava Aksobhya Jayatirtha Jnanasindhu Dayanidhi Vidyanidhi […]
The Six Goswamis of Vrindavan!
The Six Goswamis are the principal assistants of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who were instructed by Him to unveil spots of pastimes of Divine Couple in Vrindavan to the world, and also write and preach about the science of devotional life to embark conditioned souls like us on the journey back to home, back to Godhead, […]
The eternal position of Srila Prabhupada (Nityananda Swarup Shakti & Saktyavesh Avatar)
Before reading further, please note that if one is not aware of Srila Prabhupada, please do not read this article at all. You can read Srila Prabhupada’s biography in brief & Beginner’s Spirituality Guide first to be able to resonate with this article better. Also, those who are not chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna […]
Love in separation & separation in love of Divine Couple – Prema Vaicityya
It’s been just 5 minutes that I opened my computer to compile today’s daily article, and was looking at the list of topics (that I have compiled for writing these articles) and was selecting a topic for today. This particular topic caught my attention and I opened the web page-editor to begin compiling this. Just […]