Advanced Cheat Codes to grow 1000x in Krishna Consciousness or in spirituality [CONFIDENTIAL]

Before reading this below mentioned advanced cheat codes to grow 1000x spiritually, please read How should beginner’s approach spirituality article even if you have been in spirituality or are chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra for some time. It might help you brush some key basic points.  These advanced cheat codes and tips (as explained below) might […]

Markings on Radharani’s Lotus Feet & the glories of our Swamini Srimati Radharani!

Krishna is sarva shaktiman (All-Powerful) and all material and spiritual energies originate from Him, but Srimati Radharani is sarva saktimayi (Power of All-Powerful) and all the energy of Krishna resides in Radharani’s Lotus Feet. There are many marking on Radha’s Lotus feet that signify very special meaning. Sriji’s right foot has eight auspicious markings, and […]

The conclusion statement of all spiritual journey and what to do if we fall down repeatedly in our spiritual path

Rasika Acharyas guide that the conclusion statement of entire Vedic literatures, discourses, and siddhanta (philosophy) is to surrender unto our Divine Couple and be constantly engaged in remembering them 247 with attachment and love, and making sure that the four regulative principles are followed and there is no performance of activities not favourable for our […]

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