Predictive Astrology Course Content & Sample Videos

Course Content

Module I

  • Introduction and Brief of Entire Course
  • Suggestions & lifestyle to be followed to be a good predictor
  • Astrology and Karmic Cycle
  • Latest Updates & Announcements

Module II

  • How Lagna (Ascendnant) is formed? How to prepare & download Kundli in a few seconds with all the data for detailed analysis?
  • Kalapurush Kundli and the inner aspect of what each of the 12 houses represents? (VERY VERY IMP FOR SHARP PREDICTIONS - BASIC BUT MOST IMP PART!)
  • Knowing the theme of life of any chart in 2 minutes!
  • 12 Signs & Inner Meaning
  • 9 Planets and their inner hidden stories that will be VERY CRUCIAL to reading even a blank chart! Knowing the Nature of All Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, Moon, Sun, Venus, Saturn, Mercy
  • Degree of Planets & its Meaning, Trikona, Kendra, Direction & Sign Nature (Earth, Fire, Water, Air)
  • Friendship / Enimity between Planets (Demigod & Demon Planet, Soft & Cruel Planets)
  • Exercise (WRITE IT) - This will make you a pinpoint astrologer!

Module III

  • The first level of seeing own, spouse, father, mother, life, career, health etc. in one chart. Whatever combination you can imagine!
  • Birth Nakshatra
  • Retrograde Planets
  • Medical Astrology - Knowing a person's health overview in their life
  • Merging the Significations of All
  • Inner Charts & Readings (Reading Spouse, Children, Parents, Fortune, Vehicles, everything!) - Second Level
  • Vimshottri Dasa - Maha, Antar, Pratyantar, Sooskm, Pran
  • Gochar (Transit) & Gandanta Point
  • Judging the strength of the planet to determine if it can give results
  • How to know the internal thought process of an individual by reading a chart
  • The age where certain houses get activated - Simple yet powerful!
  • Birth Time Rectification

Module IV

  • Beej Mantras of Planets / Better Mantra than This! 
  • Intuition & Lifestyle: Astrology and Psychology
  • Basics of Numerology & Using it for Predictions
  • Remedies that can be made from a chart on live chart reading! Remedies & Vedic Scriptures, Gemstones or Puja?

Module V

  • Kundli Milan
  • Seeing children in chart
  • Snapshot Combination for black magic and evil eye nazar (and how to bypass this)
  • Combination for skin diseases
  • Combination for constipation
  • Combination for miscarriage or delayed childbirth
  • Activating luck - 9th house lord
  • Good Married Life Remedy
  • Job or Business - Decide it within 2 minutes
  • Kendrum Dosha
  • Karaka - Atmakarak & Amartyakarak
  • How to see if one can learn astrology or not?

Module VI

  • Case Study 1 (Space Scientist)
  • Case Study 2 (Queen)
  • Case Study 3 (Serial Entrepreneur)
  • Case Study 4 (A suspense chart)
  • Case Study 5 (Another suspense chart)
  • How not to take karma from chart reading? (VERY VERY CRUCIAL)
  • My favourite remedy that works all the time & conclusion
  • Mahabharata & Astrology

Sample Videos



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