My Journey into Astrological Science and the Idea Behind This Predictive Course

My journey to astrology began on a peculiar note. I was made to come to Vrindavan (in Dec 2017) by Radharani's mercy and was literally cut off from the general world.

In that golden phase, I read a lot of Vedic Scriptures and was amazed to find mention of planets, constellations and astrology in general by our Acharyas. My favourite was the mention of Rahu planet in Srimad Bhagavatam and how it was only Krishna who could recognize him during Samundra Manthan Lila (Churning of Ocean) Nectar & Poison Episode!

As destiny guided me, I started exploring astrology and got pulled into it deeply to realise that it's actually a science backed up by logical and psychological computation.

Fast forward, many wonderful people worldwide in my client list requested me to teach them astrology as they liked to listen to the inner reasons I shared with them during the readings.

Accepting myself as a forever student, I just thought of sharing with others what the planets, destiny and mainly Guru Kripa have taught me.

A person who has learnt this science rightly, and knows a fair bit of it can complement their life in a holistic direction.

It enables the person to see their own, family & friends chart easily and bypass the troubles!

I will be teaching complete methodology to learn this special science.

Check all the details here and if you resonate with it, I will be happy to have you on this interesting journey into the mystical world of astrology.

Vraj Vrindavan

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