Vedic Remedies I suggest for urgent, critical or any complex health-related issues!

There are many requests for urgent reading or Prashna reading that I usually receive on a regular basis, especially in cases of severe health issues, situations of life and death, or life-threatening cases including senior citizens being on ventilators or complex cases of sudden hospitalisations.

As mentioned in Srimad Bhagavad Gita, dukhalayam asavatam i.e. this material world is full of miseries. Life is very fragile and I think I know it better than the majority as I get to see charts of people from all walks of life, and as learnt by the mercy of my Acharyas and teachers, I communicate with a lot of empathy and warmth, and hence people very easily share with me their inner difficult stories during astrological readings. To be very frank, it's even tough to express the pain and fear that people carry internally, not known to the outside world.

As Srila Bhaktisiddhata Saraswati Thakur, Guru Maharaj of Srila Prabhupada mentions, this material world is not a fit place for any gentlemen to be. Hence exploring spirituality and the purpose of life becomes crucial, especially in today's time and context where things, though seemingly modern, are in truth, fragile! Do explore Beginner's Spirituality Guide and Scientific Spirituality for Beginners if you wish to take to a scientific, logical enquiry into the loving devotional life.

As a rule, I don't take Prashna Chart readings in exchange for fees. I only refer Prashna charts for critically important cases and for people I already know for long or via reference only, that too only in the rarest cases. I suggest using Prashna only for higher spiritual purposes, as I have taught in Prashna Course in detail and intricacies. I also suggest not to book reading for critical / urgent / hospitalisation issues and instead just follow the three suggestions that I give even during such cases.

  1. Listening to Nama Sankirtan:
    Do download a few kirtans here and listen to it on your Bluetooth speakers / earbuds (For those confined in hospitals, kirtan in slight low volume can be played. Essence is playing of kirtans as much as possible).
    Why kirtan and the meaning of it? 
  2. Listening to Gajendra Moksha Lila Audio and reading it once
    Reading Gajendra Moksha Lila (from Srimad Bhagavam Canto 8) from the links below once and then onwards just listening to its audio as convenient:
    Part 1 -
    Part 2 -
    Part 3 -

    Listen to Gajendra Moksha Lila Audio here.
  3. Worshipping Tulsi Maharani
    Offering Tulsi Maharani water with sincere prayers, "Oh Tulsi Maharani, please guide and protect me." (Note: Use any separate new steel or copper vessel only reserved for Tulsi Maharani to offer water).Offering ghee diya to Tulsi Maharani in the evening if possible

There's some deeper spiritual and material reason behind why I suggest the above remedies, and I have personally seen some terrific results (do kindly check reviews here) in thousands of charts practically as it bypasses the Prarabhda Karma. Prarabhdha anyway can’t be bypassed except loving devotional life and the above remedies are not 'remedies' as per se but in truth, devotional life! I have explained about it deeply in the Module V of Predictive Astrology Course.

If you wish to take to this science for yourself, you can explore various courses that I have designed after first-hand experience of readings with thousands of people across the globe. It will aid you in not depending on any other astrologer and instead depending on Lordship and smart tips from Vedic Scriptures leading towards a holistic life. Do take your own time to go through each of the courses, explore its course content and if it resonates you can choose to join there itself. Wishing you the very best!

Aman Kashyap
Vraj Vrindavan

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