Vrinda Kund

Vrinda Kund is located around 3 km from Nandgaon. It is the village of Vrinda Devi, who is none other than Tulsi Maharani. It is Vrinda Devi who arranges all the passtimes of Radha and Krishna.

There is an annual Tulsi Vivah festival celebrated at Vrinda Kund in Kartik every year.

Vrinda Devi arranges the asta-kaliya lila of Sri Radha and Sri Krishna (as mentioned in various scriptures like Govinda Lilmrta and Krishna Bhavanamrta). 

Her parrot Daksha informs her of all the activities of Sri Radha Krishna and she makes sure that all arrangements for them to meet and perform their joyous rasamayi nitya-lilas are done in a smooth manner.

Vrinda Kund
Famous as The village of Vrinda Devi
District Mathura
State Uttar Pradesh
Country India
Language Hindi, Vraj Bhasha
Festivals Celebrated Tulsi Shaligram Vivah

How to reach Vrinda Kund?

From Nandgaon, you can easily get any public transport to Vrinda Kund. It just takes 5 minutes to reach Vrinda Kund from Nandgaon.

Check How to reach Nandgaon.


There is a nice temple that has been constructed by devotees here. There is also a nice kund (lake). It is a very nice place to meditate and chant your rounds. Vrinda Kund is less visited and hence is a quiet place. It is surrounded by fields on all sides and feels really nice to be here.

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Festivals Celebrated

  • Tulsi Shaligram Vivah

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