Divine Couple!! ❤️❤️

Divine Couple or Yugal Jodi (in Hindi) is a beautiful, heartfelt and ecstatic term coined by Rasika Acharyas to address the Lords of their life - our Queen Srimati Radharani and Shyamsundar Krishna!

Radha Krishna - Vraj Vrindavan

They are the Supreme Personality of the Godhead, the cause of all causes and the owner of the entire creation!

For vrajvasis, They are their all in all and most dear Divine Couple who are the epicentre of all their activities!

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

The temple at Bhandirvan where Lord Brahma perfoms marriage of Radharani and Krishna
The temple at Bhandirvan where Lord Brahma performed the marriage of Radharani and Krishna

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