The inner confidential mood of vrajvasis (Residents of Vrindavan)

Vrajvasis or residents of Vrindavan are very special. They consider that Radharani is theirs and they are of Radharani's. They own Sri Radha. It is in the line of topmost prema-bhakti. Externally, they may appear normal but it requires kripa (mercy) of Vrindavan Dham to see their inner love.

There's a reason why devotees who are born in Vraj Bhumi or who live in Vraj Bhumi are very stubborn (jiddi) and don't usually listen to others except for Rasika Vaishnavas. It is because their swami or owner (Srimati Radharani) is the owner of owner of entire universe Sri Krishna. I will explain what it means as I have heard from Rasika Vaishnavas.

Sri Krishna who owns the entire universe and is the Supreme Personality of Godhead is owned by Sri Radha, who in turn is owned by vrajvasis. It is the reason why the vrajvasis are highest and don't care about the outside world. 

They have taken full shelter of Sri Radha, and by the strength of this shelter, they bless Sri Radha and Krishna, and both of Them become their own property. They control both Radha and Krishna. Hence vrajvasis are carefree and full of thasak (jovial, cheerful) and ullas (bliss).

Vrajvasis are never selfish. They want everyone to revive their love for Kishori Ji (Srimati Radharani) - which is everybody's original constitutional position as an eternal soul. Vrajvasis are most karuna mayi (full of compassion).

It requires kripa (mercy) of vrajvasis to understand vrajvasis! It's very difficult to explain. Hence those in prabhambhik dasa or initial stages of bhakti (spiritual life) should serve vrajavasis with what is the most confidential and treasured object of vrajvasis. That is the name of Divine Couple in the form of Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Hence one should chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra as it has all the internal meaning hidden about the most confidential vraj-prema bhakti and Vrindavan Prema Rasa

Hence, Rasika Vaishnavas (who are topmost vrajvasis) tell that only way to understand Vrindavan Prema Rasa is by mercy (kripa) of vrajvasis  Their mercy and blessings works wonders in advancing spiritually.

You don't get Vrindavan or vraj-prema-bhakti by own sadhana (effort) and fortune but ONLY AND ONLY by mercy (kripa) of vrajvasis and Vrindavan Dham. This mercy can be very easily invoked by doing what the vrajvasis tell all to do and what is their most treasured object - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna | Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Rama Hare Rama | Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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The book 'Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan' is the essence and crux of this entire website.

If you are considering to dive into the final goal of our Vedic Scriptures and spiritual life, and if Radharani inspires you, do get a copy of the book .

Chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra loudly and greedily. If you really want to go deep in your spiritual life, then do read this inner confidential meaning of Hare Krishna Mahamantra to amplify your desire for vraja-prema-bhakti 10000x.

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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