Story behind the book ‘Demystifying the Mystical Vrindavan’

How the book ‘Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan’ came into existence by blessings of Guru Tattva and Sri Vrindavan Dham is something very perplexing for me as well, even after witnessing it first-hand!

The idea for this book first came on March 18, 2020. First, Radharani inspired me to compile a book with 6-7 confidential articles. Then as I was at Bhandirvan (the place where Radharani & Krishna got married, situated about 8 km from Vrindavan) doing Nama Japa, the idea of a proper book sprouted in my heart by Guru Kripa.

Demystifying Vrindavan Story

Then a few days post that, Sri Vrindavan Dham inspired me to make this a universal book that even a beginner can read. And finally, it turned out to be four sections within a matter of few hours while working on the content structure of this book. I finally gave up and just went as per the flow as inspired from within by Sri Vrindavan Dham.

If anybody sincerely reads this book by regularly and sincerely chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna Mahamantra daily, they will surely dive into satcidananda state (eternal, full of bliss, full of knowledge) very soon, very close to their eternal constitutional position as this book is a mere compilation of Gurujana’s cheat-codes and teachings to accelerate the spiritual journey of a sincere seeker. The final aspect of soul’s individual relationship with the Divine Couple Sri Radha Krishna is revealed by Their kripa (mercy) and by the kripa of Rasika Vaishnavas.

There are words in this book which if you aren’t able to understand at first, do not worry. Simply go on, and later it will reconnect. The more sincerely a seeker is chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra, the confidential meaning of the words in this book will sprout in their heart in a better manner. Also, there are various topics which will connect at end of section IV.

The section IV of this book is my sarvaswa (everything). That’s the cream part of this entire project, and it is the first idea of the book that sprouted in my heart by Sriji’s kripa (mercy).

Demystifying Vrindavan at Srila Prabhupada Room

I always had reservations about putting the book in the public domain since the very beginning and was being made to work on it for only my own meditation of my Vrindavan Dham. The first two sections of the book were mostly completed by April 2020, and then on I had forgotten about the book over these years and was occupied in other services.

Then in September 2022, by Sriji’s arrangement, my wife Vatsala, who is very attached to Srila Prabhupada, all Gurujana and Vrindavan Dham, picked up the book and started completing the last two section, day and night, for her own meditation of Sri Vrindavan Dham. We had recently got married in March 2022 by Sriji’s mercy at Vraj Bhumi Vrindavan. I also joined in working upon the unfinished book remembering the vani (words) of Srila Prabhupada, Gurujana, and somehow by Sriji’s mercy (kripa), it all manifested impromptu and we were done by Oct 2, 2022. We went ahead to publish the book as guided by our Guru Tattva.

Demystifying Mystical Vrindavna Rupa Goswami Samadhi

I am an orphan without my Guru Tattva Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada, Sripad Aindra Prabhu, and I don’t understand much other than that they are mine. Personally, it was a transforming and emotional journey while writing this book. Radharani is both my Sadhya (goal of meditation) and Sadhan (meditation). This book or anything to me is my Guru Manjari and Her beloved Radharani.


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Nama Nama Nama!

Harer Nama Eva Kevalam!

Jai Jai Shri Radhe! Hare Krishna! Jai Srila Prabhupada!

Aman Kashyap

October 24, 2022 (on the auspicious occasion of Diwali)

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