Meaning of Vraj The meaning of Vraj as explained by vrajvasis and saints is that it is a path (rasta) which leads one to Paramatma within the heart, and this Paramatma is non-different from chaitya guru residing in the heart, who is Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Radha and Sri Krishna. The other meaning of […]
The story of Chanda (Moon) and Cakori bird – Radha & Krishna!
The love of Chakori bird for Chanda (Moon) caught my eyes when I was listening to a local folklore bhajan on our Divine Couple Sri Radha and Krishna. I didn’t have a clue about Chakori bird or the relationship between Chakori and Chanda (Moon) prior to listening to this folklore. The lyrics went like: Shyam […]
Radha Rani – Story, Birth, Prema, Eternal Position, Krishna’s Hladini Shakti
Krishna is the Lord of the entire universe, and His Lord is Srimati Radharani. Radha or Srimati Radharani, also known as Radhika, Kishori, Swamini, Ladli or Priya Ji is not an ordinary gopi but is most special. She is the non-different from Krishna Himself. They both are same. Srila Prabhupada also says that Sri Radha […]
Vaidhi Bhakti, Raganuga Bhakti and difference in gud tattva (essence) of quality of bhakti in both (Confidential)
Vaidhi Bhakti The vaidhi bhakti is the path of devotion with rules, regulations and formality as laid down by Vedic Scriptures and exalted saints. Just as how two new friends at the beginning of their friendship behave with caution, formality and respect for each other, similarly one approaches devotional life with formality in initial days. […]
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Radha & How to approach them very easily?
Krishna wanted to experience the feeling and servitude mood of Srimati Radharani. Hence, He came in the form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 500 years in Mayapur (Near present-day Kolkata) as a hidden avatar (incarnation) of Himself to give the highest prayojana (goal) of madhurya prema bhakti in topmost vipralambha bhav to the fallen conditioned souls of […]
Shall we give donations?
In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 9, Text 27, Krishna says to Arjuna to do anything that you are doing, or offering in charity for Me. Basically, whatever is to be done should done with bhav (mood) of service (seva) and offering to our Radharani and Krishna. As seen in fabric of society, donations can be to […]
The four Sampradaya and the inner purpose of Sampradaya [Confidential]
There are four bonafide Vaishnav Sampradaya as mentioned by Srila Prabhupada and our Vedic Scriptures (as explained in the below table). Originating from: Brahma Laxmi Shiva Kumar Other Names Madhava Sampradaya Sri Sampradaya, Sri Vaishnav Sampradaya, Ramanuja Acharya Sampradaya Rudra or Vishnu Swami Sampradaya Nimbarka Sampradaya Guru & Acharyas Madhvacharya Ramanuja Acharya Vishnu Swami, Vallabhacharya […]
When the devotional path becomes incredibly tough and you feel like giving up
The path of Krishna Consciousness is most sublime. How many times this statement of Srila Prabhupada has not rung in our ears? But the journey till we actually become completely Krishna Conscious is not a path of roses. There are thorns more than there are flowers. The tests, the struggles, the contemplations are lost in […]
How to understand Vrindavan without reading any scriptures or doing anything spiritual?
Even the greatest gyanis, tapasvis, yogis and intellectuals are not allowed in Vrindavan. Till date, Laxmi Ji is meditating outside Vrindavan in a hope to be granted entry in Sri Vrindavan Dham. It is mentioned in Samudra Shastra that one who does bhajan for 1000 lifetimes gets a chance to step in Vrindavan. If you […]
Krishna – Inner Biography, Supreme Lord, Appearance, Avatars, All-Attractive
Krishna!! Krishna is addressed as cit chor or one who steals the cit (soul) of everyone. Just by taking His name, one feels ecstatic from within. It’s tough to describe. I just got inspired today morning (Feb 25, 2020) to write an inner confidential biography about Krishna for this site. I had thought earlier as […]