How should a sincere seeker use this website to advance 1000x spiritually? (Confidential)

This project was created for personal meditation (Check About section). If a sincere seeker feels inspired, they can use this website for their spiritual advancement.

As inspired from within by Sri Vrindavan Dham, I will pen down some simple steps to make the best use of this website.

  1. If you are new on path of spirituality (or even an absolute beginner), read How should beginner's approach spirituality.
    If you are aware of Krishna Consciousness, then this Advanced Spirituality Guide is a must must-read for you. That will help you augment your vraj-prema-bhakti.
  2. Check entire content on this website here if Srimati Radharani inspires you. There are a lot of confidential articles on this site. It's up to the sincere seeker to decode and dive deeper. Anyway, this site is not meant for anybody except for my own meditation (as mentioned in About section).
    However, if one is a really humble and sincere seeker and wants to approach Radharani and Krishna, I, inspite of my zero qualification, and just by banking only and only on the strength of kripabal (mercy) of Rasika Acharyas and my guru tattva, give all my hearty blessings to those rare few sincere seekers exclusively so that they can beautifully serve the Divine Couple. "May you dive in this beautiful Vrindavan Prema Rasa!" Though, such a sincere seeker is very very rare (Bhagavad Gita 7.3). 
  3. As guided by my Guru Tattva, I write about Vraj-Prema-Bhakti (as heard from Rasika Acharyas) on this site on a regular basis. Simply check it on latest posts.
    As repeated by Vedic Scriptures and Rasika Acharyas every now and then, Mayadevi (material energy) is very strong and remembrance on Sri Vrindavan Dham every day can save the sincere seeker from any massive bewilderment, illusions and pangs of the material world.
  4. Our Instagram Stories will help those few sincere seekers remember inner confidential aspects of Vrindavan every day from anywhere across the globe. Eventually, remembrance of Sri Vrindavan Dham, Radharani and Krishna is the conclusion of all spiritual practices, kirtan, nama-japa or reading Vedic scriptures (Bhagavad Gita 18.66).
    Keep chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra sincerely at all times, and all the direction will manifest from within!

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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