Raval – Birthplace of Srimati Radharani

Raval is the birthplace of Srimati Radharani. It is located 13 km from Mathura.

It is at Raval that Srimati Radharani was found in a lotus flower by Vrishabhanu Baba. Check the complete appearance story of Sri Radha here.

There is a small temple made up here and the entire village of Raval retains a very traditional vibe to it. You really feel connected and blissful just by entering Raval.

This is one of the confidential places in entire Vraj Bhumi and very few devotees are able to enter Raval.

Famous as The appearance place of Srimati Radharani
District Mathura
State Uttar Pradesh
Country India
Language Hindi, Vraj Bhasha
PIN Code 281305
Festivals Celebrated Radhastami

How to reach Raval?

The best way to approach Raval is via Mathura. It is about 13 km from here and having a tourist or own vehicle is the best. If you coming by public transport, you need to change 3 places to reach here.

Also, the main temple is 1.5 km in the interior from the highway hence it is a bit of labour to go here via public transport.

If you have your own vehicle, just follow Google Maps or if not, best is to hire a cab.


There is a small white marble temple built here where there is a deity of Radharani sitting in a baby pose. This is something which is one of the most beautiful deity you will ever see.

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Opposite the temple is a beautiful well-maintained garden where you can see that there are two trees that are conjoined. The interesting thing about this is that one tree is black and the other one is white. The locals say that these two trees are none other than Sri Radha and Sri Krishna.

One should sit and chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra as much as possible at Raval.

Festivals Celebrated

  • Radhastami (Appearance Day of Srimati Radharani)

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