The confidential mercy of Sri Ananga Manjari & Sri Rupa Manjari

In Nitya Goloka Vrindavan, Jahnva Maiya is Ananga Manjari, and Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada is Sri Rupa Manjari. They engage all up-manjaris and mukya manjaris (maid-servants) in the intimate loving service of Divine Couple Sri Radha and Sri Krishna.

This is a confidential subject and as Sriji inspires me to put a note; please do read the below-mentioned articles before reading this one to relate to the inner context.

The below-mentioned transcript is the excerpt of WhatsApp chat with a sincere kripa-patra devotee from Bengal who had asked a few questions as Sriji inspired him. In response, whatever had heard from Gurujana, just answered it for my own meditation and cintan of my Divine Couple, Ananga Manjari, Rupa Manjari, Srila Prabhupada, and entire guru shishya parampara.

Just repeating the glories of Divine Couple and their intimate associates and maidservants, as heard from Rasika Acharyas and Guru Tattva, makes the heart blissful and desperate to go back home, back to Nitya Gokoka Vrindavan under the shelter of our Srila Prabhupada and all Gurujana right now this very moment.

Sriji inspired me to put it here so that I can refer it for my own cintan of my Ananga Manjari and my Rupa Manjari from time to time, as there is very little or less information about them in the public forum or even in our Gaudiya books. As treasure is hidden, so is the confidential mercy of their's very subtly hidden by our Acharyas, yet revealed very directly and manifests only and only by guru kripa.

VV27: Prabhu can you give some light on this topic? Who's more merciful to the sadhakas? Rupa or Ananga Manjari?

Shri Radhe Morning
VV27: Prabhu can you share your Sri Ji's photo?
Vraj Vrindavan: As have heard from Gurujana; all Acharyas, Rasikjana, or any manifestation of Guru Tattva have the same mercy potency. There is no demarcation as to who is superior in Nitya Goloka Vrindavan. Das anudas! Servant of servant mood is the highest mood. The meaning of it all sprouts by sincerely taking to Nama.
Vraj Vrindavan: In Tattva way here, Siksha and Diksha Guru offer the sadhaka (seeker) to their Gurujana, who offer them to their Gurujana and then leading it all to Sri Rupa Manjari, who offers the seeker to Sri Ananga Manjari, who via Sri Rupa Manjari engages the seeker in the intimate service of Divine Couple.
Vraj Vrindavan: As Aindra Prabhu tells in one lecture, Ananga Manjari is leader of all Up-Majaris, and Rupa manjari is the leader of all Mukhya-Manjaris. This subject is well described in Srila Rupa Goswamipada's Ujjwala Nilamani.
Vraj Vrindavan: Rupa Manjari is also Up-Manjari. So are Asta Manjaris.
Vraj Vrindavan: Our Diksha Sampradaya and Mantra comes from Jahnava Maiya (Ananga Maiya) and Siksha Sampradaya from Srila Rupa Goswami (Rupa Manjari). The Siksha of Diskha is also under the supervision of Srila Rupa Goswami hence we are called followers of Srila Rupa Goswami (Rupanugas).
Vraj Vrindavan: The subject is such that best proof of it received by sincerely crying to all our Guru Shishya Parampara.
Vraj Vrindavan: The picture of Sriji and Thakur Ji that my Sri Vrindavan Dham and Guru Kripa have gifted me.

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Vraj Vrindavan: So, in groves of Nitya Nav Nivritta Nikunj Vrindavan, where our Acharyas are in their eternal form, there is no demarcation, and it is always a bliss serving beside our Guru, who offer us to their Guru, and leading it all to Sri Rupa Manjari, to Ananga Manjari to Divine Couple.
Vraj Vrindavan: But that is Tattva. While there one is not conscious of it owing to Yogamaya potency. Swamini Ji, Thakur, Manjaris, Vrindavan. It is very spontaneous dealing with no tinge of Aishwarya. Only apnapan (own) feeling.
Vraj Vrindavan: Nama Nama Nama! Nama reveals all!
Vraj Vrindavan: Shri Radhe!
Vraj Vrindavan: Hare Krishna!
VV27: Jay🙏
VV27: Thank you Prabhu for your wonderful explanation
Vraj Vrindavan: We all belong to our Divine Couple and Gurujana😊
Vraj Vrindavan: If Sriji inspires, do read Krishna Bhavanamrta💫
VV27: Yes❤️
VV27: Actually your articles are ever fresh
Vraj Vrindavan: No Prabhu Ji
Vraj Vrindavan: Not mine
VV27: However I read it's new and new
Vraj Vrindavan: They are just rasamayi words of our entire Guru Shishya Parampara
VV27: I never feel I have read it before.
VV27: Yes
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Prabhupada❤️❤️
VV27: Prabhu what's your most favorite place in Vraj Dham?
Vraj Vrindavan: Radha Damodar Mandir is Vrindavan for me
Vraj Vrindavan: More precisely, Srila Rupa Goswamipada Samadhi
VV27: That's really wonderful❤️
Vraj Vrindavan: And Srila Prabhupada room
VV27: Mine too
VV27: And Radha Kund also
Vraj Vrindavan: Yes. Sriji had inspired way back about your nistha for Srila Rupa Goswamipada and Srila Prabhupada
Vraj Vrindavan: Bahut ahetuki guru kripa hain
Vraj Vrindavan: Yes. Waise all.
Vraj Vrindavan: Radha Kund, Ter Kadamba, Bhandirvan
Vraj Vrindavan: Ter Kadamba is the most intimate place in Bhauma Lila... more than Radha Kund...
VV27: My Rupa Goswami
Srila Rupa Goswamipada

Vraj Vrindavan: If Sriji inspires you to know the reason, do tell.. I will share what Sri Vrindavan Dham has guided..
VV27: My constant companion😍
Vraj Vrindavan: Aha!!!
Vraj Vrindavan: So Rasamayi❤️
VV27: Please share the nectar...
Vraj Vrindavan: Yes.. So..
Vraj Vrindavan: Nectar of Instruction last three verse
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Rupa Goswamipada writes
Vraj Vrindavan: About Radha Kund
Vraj Vrindavan: Intimate nature
Vraj Vrindavan: But where did he write Nectar of Instruction?
VV27: In Ter kadamba only
Vraj Vrindavan: Yes
Vraj Vrindavan: So waha pe general it is known ki
Vraj Vrindavan: Krishna calls his 900000 cows
VV27: Yes
Vraj Vrindavan: So how can Manjari
Vraj Vrindavan: Sri Rupa Manjari
Vraj Vrindavan: Be much interested in
Vraj Vrindavan: External passtime
Vraj Vrindavan: Without Sriji
Vraj Vrindavan: Now an interesting thing
Vraj Vrindavan: First meeting in Bhauma Lila
Vraj Vrindavan: Happens at Sanket
Vraj Vrindavan: Which is right between Barsana and Nandgaon
Vraj Vrindavan: But after so called marriage of Sriji to Abhimanyu
Vraj Vrindavan: Radharani comes at Yavat
Vraj Vrindavan: Ter Kadamba is right between Nandgaon and Yavat
Vraj Vrindavan: Parakiya Bhav highest place
Vraj Vrindavan: Ter Kadamba
VV27: Jay Jay Jay
VV27: It's really wonderful😍
Vraj Vrindavan: Very confidential
VV27: Yes...
Vraj Vrindavan: And Vrindavan here is direct aprakat
Vraj Vrindavan: Nitya Goloka
Vraj Vrindavan: Non Different
Vraj Vrindavan: Hence more confidential
VV27: Yes
Vraj Vrindavan: So it is one and same
Vraj Vrindavan: Bas Rasa
Vraj Vrindavan: Hare Krishna Mahamantra is all in all
VV27: Of course🙏❤️
VV27: Prabhu I saw you wrote about Gayatri Mantra
Vraj Vrindavan: Our Gurujana and Rasikjana have pulled us all without any qualification of ours.. Kripa Samundra..
Vraj Vrindavan: Bas chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra
Vraj Vrindavan: At right time Sriji and Guru Tattva will guide
Vraj Vrindavan: Gauri Kishore Baba Ji Maharaj
VV27: Achcha
Vraj Vrindavan: Tells ki
Vraj Vrindavan: Hare Krishna Mahamantra will alone give swarup
VV27: Ji
Vraj Vrindavan: Aindra Prabhu tells don't tell anyone tell you that it can't be done
Vraj Vrindavan: Chant Nama
Vraj Vrindavan: Rest let Sriji handle
Vraj Vrindavan: Have firm Nistha on Nama
VV27: Right...
Vraj Vrindavan: Hare Krishna Mahamantra is only completely enough
Vraj Vrindavan: Btw Gopal Mantra
VV27: ❤️
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Prabhupada has directly revealed in his book
Vraj Vrindavan: And he also tells
VV27: Yes and Kama Gayatri too...
Vraj Vrindavan: Anyone who reads my book is initiated
Vraj Vrindavan: My touch is a mere formality
Vraj Vrindavan: Don't go much by external
Vraj Vrindavan: Go deeper
Vraj Vrindavan: Every breath Nama
Vraj Vrindavan: And KB
Vraj Vrindavan: Krishna Bhavanamrta
Vraj Vrindavan: As Aindra Prabhu tells ki
Vraj Vrindavan: To be not meditating on Radha Krishna Nitya Lila is to be in mere illusion
Vraj Vrindavan: So Krishna Bhavanamrta
Vraj Vrindavan: Tough to put in words
Vraj Vrindavan: You know the Hindi name of ISKCON
VV27: I also love Govind Lilamrita with it❤️
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Prabhupada has hidden the most confidential prayojana of Hare Krishna Movement in the name itself
VV27: Achcha
VV27: Plz explain it
Vraj Vrindavan: Yes.. Krishna Bhavanamrta 7th and 8th prahar is where all our Guru Shishya Parampara are in thickened Manjari Bhav
Vraj Vrindavan: First and last two chapters of Krishna Bhavanamrta is straight Nitya Goloka Vrindavan
Vraj Vrindavan: Rest all chapters complete is Bhauma Vrindavan
Vraj Vrindavan: ISKCON Hindi full form is Antarrastriya Krishna Bhavanamrta Sang
VV27: In Nitya Lila do Manjari also chant Hare Krishna Maha Mantra Or "Radhe radhe"?
Vraj Vrindavan: Externally Hare Krishna Mahamantra
Vraj Vrindavan: Internally Radha Nama
VV27: Achcha
Vraj Vrindavan: Hare Krishna Mahamantra is both together
Vraj Vrindavan: In topmost Vipralambha Bhav
Vraj Vrindavan: Both together
Vraj Vrindavan: You recall the meaning of it?
Vraj Vrindavan: Article?
Vraj Vrindavan: That
VV27: Ok I will again read that
Vraj Vrindavan: And Manjari Tattva are in Radha Snehadika Bhav
VV27: Yes
Vraj Vrindavan: They don't have any desire but for the pleasure of Sriji
Vraj Vrindavan: Pleasure of Sriji with Thakur
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada once told
Vraj Vrindavan: At Radha Kund
Vraj Vrindavan: If we have any relation to Krishna, then only because of Radharani
VV27: Yes I heard that pastime
Vraj Vrindavan: I answered for here
VV27: We are in Radharani's group..
VV27: Achha...
Vraj Vrindavan: Waha in Nitya Goloka Vrindavan pe it's always both of them together
Vraj Vrindavan: Nitya Anant Lila
Vraj Vrindavan: One Lila
Vraj Vrindavan: Of 8th Prahar
Vraj Vrindavan: Depends on Bhav..
VV27: Hmmm...
Vraj Vrindavan: Both of them looking together
Vraj Vrindavan: Krishna Bhavanamrta
Vraj Vrindavan: If Sriji inspires do read
Vraj Vrindavan: Chant intensely
VV27: Sure Prabhu...
Vraj Vrindavan: This book (KB), Govind Lilamrta is all derived from book Nikunj Rahashya Tattva by Srila Rupa Goswamipada
VV27: Achcha...
Vraj Vrindavan: Any of Vrindavan Sampradaya whether be Radha Vallabha, Hariram Vyas, Swami Haridas
Vraj Vrindavan: All esoteric literatures
VV27: You have PDF of Nikunja Rahasya Tattva?
Vraj Vrindavan: Will conclude at Krishna Bhavanamrta
Vraj Vrindavan: 7th and 8th prahar
VV27: Achcha....
Vraj Vrindavan: Just do a Google search
VV27: I want to read it
VV27: Ok... let me check...
Vraj Vrindavan: So it is prayojana
Vraj Vrindavan: Back to our Divine Couple
VV27: Yes...
Vraj Vrindavan: The Maya potency of Thakur makes it like jalebi
Vraj Vrindavan: To seekers
Vraj Vrindavan: Ki ye wo
Vraj Vrindavan: Yeha to waha top
Vraj Vrindavan: Only Guru Kripa bypasses it all
Vraj Vrindavan: One need not do anything for bhajan
Vraj Vrindavan: Bas be dependent on our Sriji and Guru Tattva ki they will guide all
VV27: Yes...
Vraj Vrindavan: Vyas bharose kuwri ke sowat pao pasar
VV27: 😍
VV27: Another thing I wanted to ask you
VV27: Who's your most lovable Thakur ji in Vraj?
Vraj Vrindavan: Radha Damodar
Vraj Vrindavan: Radha Govind
VV27: I mean who's your Pran's Dhan
Vraj Vrindavan: Sriji at apne mandir
VV27: Jay🙏
Vraj Vrindavan: Tino Non Different
VV27: Barshana?
Vraj Vrindavan: ISKCON
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Prabhupada❤️
VV27: Radha Shyam Sundar Ji?
Vraj Vrindavan: Yes
Vraj Vrindavan: Thakur Thakurian
Vraj Vrindavan: Gaur - Yugal
Nitai - Ananga Manjari
VV27: Yes...
Vraj Vrindavan: Ananga Manjari is not actually Manjari
Vraj Vrindavan: Rasikjana tell this
VV27: Second
VV27: Radha
Vraj Vrindavan: She is aged less hence referred as Manjari
Vraj Vrindavan: But she is Sriji Herself expanded to serve
VV27: 2nd Radharani
Vraj Vrindavan: Union of Divine Couple
VV27: Yes...
Vraj Vrindavan: Basically rough term mein you can say
Vraj Vrindavan: Rupa Manjari as Prime Minister
Vraj Vrindavan: Ananaga Manjari as President
VV27: Yes I understand...
VV27: Actually my mood move time to time
VV27: Sometimes I feel more inclined to Rupa and sometimes Ananga
VV27: That's why I want to fixed..
Vraj Vrindavan: Chant Nama
Vraj Vrindavan: Wo rona padega
Vraj Vrindavan: Helpless cry
Vraj Vrindavan: Abhi to bas suna hain
Vraj Vrindavan: Gurukripa se
Vraj Vrindavan: Wo jab apne sphurit hota
Vraj Vrindavan: Vraj Rani and Guru Kripa se
VV27: Ji...
Vraj Vrindavan: To hriday nach padta
Vraj Vrindavan: With intense longing to be back right now
VV27: Hmmm...
Vraj Vrindavan: Take concrete shelter of Srila Prabhupada
Vraj Vrindavan: He will guide
Vraj Vrindavan: First Nitai does mercy
Vraj Vrindavan: He gives Nimai
Vraj Vrindavan: Nimai when does mercy
Vraj Vrindavan: To Six Goswamis headed by Srila Rupa Goswami
Vraj Vrindavan: And when he does to Ananga Manjari form of Nitai
VV27: Achchha...
Vraj Vrindavan: And when she does mercy to phir Yugal form of Gaur
Vraj Vrindavan: And at end, one realises that Rupa Manjari is none other than form of Srimati Radharani expanded to teach. Hence Rupanuga
VV27: Wonderful realisation😍
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada says we are simply followers of Rupa Prabhu
Vraj Vrindavan: Srila Prabhupada in translation of Bhagavad Gita or Chaitanya Caritamrta
Vraj Vrindavan: Dono mein first sentences
Vraj Vrindavan: Offering himself to Srila Rupa Goswami
VV27: Yes... Rupanuga...
Vraj Vrindavan: Any literature of our Gaudiya Sampdaraya
Vraj Vrindavan: Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada or Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur Prabhupada
Vraj Vrindavan: Or any Gaudiya Rasika
Vraj Vrindavan: Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu pranam
Vraj Vrindavan: Rupa Goswami pranam
Vraj Vrindavan: Would be most common
VV27: "Sri Rupa Manjari Pada, Sei Mora Sampada"
Vraj Vrindavan: Because Guru Rupa Manjari is more important than Yugal
Vraj Vrindavan: As she teaches
VV27: Right...
Vraj Vrindavan: Always descending in various forms
Vraj Vrindavan: To take us back
Vraj Vrindavan: So Guru will appear strict at times
Vraj Vrindavan: Always crushing our ego
Vraj Vrindavan: Pulling us back
Vraj Vrindavan: But one shouldn't approach Srila Rupa Goswamipada without Srila Prabhupada if in this line.. Das Anudas.. In Nitya terms, it's Das Anudasi as Aindra Prabhu writes
VV27: Yes...
VV27: Sri Ji's Charan Padma😍❤️
Sri Ji Lotus Feet Vraj Vrindavan: Rasamayi..
Vraj Vrindavan: Swamini Ji❤️

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