Hare Krishna!
Jai Jai Shri Radhe!
Thank you for giving us your invaluable time on the webinar on Vrindavan Prema Bhakti, as taught by bonafide Acharyas.
I hope you gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom on how to approach the inner Vrindavan and spiritual path.
We are very grateful for your time, great association and would like to share Free Gifts as promised.
- Please download E-Book on Celibacy here.
- Join our Facebook Community here.
- Here’s a sequence of how-to-read articles on Vraj Vrindavan to dive into spiritual path with strong foundation: https://vrajvrindavan.com/sequence/
- Here’s the link of few of our favourite ecstatic kirtans: https://vrajvrindavan.com/hare-krishna-esctatic-kirtan/
- Please feel free to ask us any queries on Instagram. We will be glad to share the answers, as we have heard from teachings of our Acharyas. Also, do follow us there to see our stories and posts to help you remind about Vrindavan from anywhere in the world.
Also, as discussed in the webinar, just sharing the links to reference articles on Vraj Vrindavan (vrajvrindavan.com) that we talked about:
- Scientific Spiritual Path for Beginners
- Bonafide Acharya Shishya Parampara
- Purpose of Sampradaya
- Ideal Prayer to Radharani & Krishna
- 4 Regulative Principles
- Hare Krishna Mahamantra
- Nama Japa & Nama Sankirtan
- Stages of Bhakti
- The Inner Mood of Vrajvasis
- Cheatcodes to advance in bhakti
- Guru Tattva
- Why mind strays in spiritual path?
- Simple secrets to bypass tests of spiritual path
- List of Spiritual Books for advancing spiritually
Apart from the above-mentioned articles, do check the list of 250+ confidential articles on Vraj Vrindavan here.
May Srimati Radharani bless you with all spiritual success.
If you couldn’t attend the complete webinar, please register for the next webinar here: vrajvrindavan.com/webinar
Vrindavan Dham ki Jai!
Jai Jai Shri Radhe!
Hare Krishna!
Aman Kashyap
Vraj Vrindavan