The love of Chakori bird for Chanda (Moon) caught my eyes when I was listening to a local folklore bhajan on our Divine Couple Sri Radha and Krishna. I didn't have a clue about Chakori bird or the relationship between Chakori and Chanda (Moon) prior to listening to this folklore.
The lyrics went like:
Shyam Chanda Hain Shyama Chakori
Badi Sundar Hain Dono Ki Jodi
Engligh Translation: Krishna (Shyam) is Moon and Radha (Shyama) is Chakori Bird
They are extremely beautiful couple.
I had an impulsive desire to know what is the inner meaning of calling Krishna as the Chanda (moon) and Sri Radhika as Chakori.
When I enquired, I got to know that Cakori bird is very very special indeed.

The book 'Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan' is the essence and crux of this entire website.
If you are considering to dive into the final goal of our Vedic Scriptures and spiritual life, and if Radharani inspires you, do get a copy of the book .
The Unique Love of Cakori Bird
So, this Cakori bird drinks water only when it rains during the moon's transit in Swati Nakshatra. She is in so much love with the moon that she keeps a fast for the entire while, and breaks her fast only by drinking the water of rains that happens when the moon transits Swati Nakshatra, when the sky is laden with the love of moonlight.
She can't reach the moon because of the height and hence to get her the love of her life, she waits for all the while without any regrets or expectations. She just waits in love.
The depth of prema (love) of Cakori Bird is very difficult to comprehend.
Radha as Cakori Bird and Krishna as Chanda (Moon) and vice-versa
Rasika Vaishnavas say that Thakur Ji (Krishna) gets drawn into the eyes of our Swamini (Sri Radha) exactly like a chakori bird (Thakur Ji humari Swamini ko chakor ke bhati netro se sevan kar rahe hain). They both become so lost in each other that tears start coming from their eyes. Their tears are stopping them for viewing each other and they experience the pinnacle of separation in spite of being with each other!!
This passtime happens every now and then, and especially for those who are in Radha Dashyam or Radha Snehadika Bhav (Read more about Radha Dashyam and Radha Snehadika Bhav of Prana Sakhis here).
This is a very deep tattva of prema (love) and one should not consider it as a mundane discussion. The beauty of this sprouts in the heart of sincere seeker by chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra sincerely.
The inner meaning of this story and how it is related to Hare Krishna Mahamantra in the topmost vipramalabha (love in separation) bhav of Prema Vaichittya is explained here (I can't emphasise on reading this meaning till the bottom. Please read this only for your personal meditation and not for discussing it with those who might take it as a mundane discussion).
Be greedy for vraja-prema-bhakti. The beauty of Vrindavan Dham and Vrindavan Prema Rasa is very very difficult to comprehend without taking shelter of Hare Krishna Mahamantra and Rasika Vaishnavas.
Srila Prabhupada has given this topmost madhurya prema-bhakti to all freely. Check How should beginners approach spirituality if you are new to Krishna Consciousness, or check Advanced Spirituality Guide to grow 1000x in bhakti if you are practising Krishna Consciousness for over 2-3 years.
Jai Jai Shri Radhe!
Hare Krishna!