Sri Rupa Manjari Pada | Lyrics & Inner Confidential Meaning | Srila Narottama Das Thakur

In this prayer, Srila Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada weepingly strings what he feels for the Lotus Feet of Sri Rupa Manjari. Sri Rupa Manjari descended as Srila Rupa Goswamipada, foremost of the six Goswamis and an intimate associate of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Sri Rupa Manjari Pada Lyrics:

|| śrī-rūpa-mañjarī-pada, sei mora sampada,
sei mor bhajana-pūjana |
sei mora prāṇa-dhana, sei mora ābharaṇa,
sei mor jīvanera jīvana || (1)
|| sei mora rasa-nidhi, sei mora vāñchā-siddhi,
sei mor vedera dharama |
sei brata sei tapa, sei mora mantra-japa,
sei mor dharama-karama || (2)
|| anukūla habe vidhi, se-pade hoibe siddhi,
nirakhibo e dui nayane |
se rūpa-mādhurī-rāśi, prāṇa-kuvalaya-śaśi,
praphullita habe niśi-dine || (3)
|| tuwā adarśana-ahi, garale jāralo dehī,
ciro-dina tāpita jīvanahā |
hā rūpa koro doyā, deho more pada-chāyā,
narottama loilo śaraṇa || (4)


Inner Confidential Meaning:

Verse 1
śrī-rūpa-mañjarī-pada, sei mora sampada, sei mor bhajana-pūjana
sei mora prāṇa-dhana,
sei mora ābharaṇa, sei mor jīvanera jīvana

Knowing the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari as the only hope that can uplift him, Srila Narottama Das Thakurpada cherishes it as his most precious wealth, as his only worship and staunchness in devotion. The lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari are dearer to him more than life itself!

It's the cintamani jewel that decorates his existence. Those feet are the life airs to the life of Srila Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada.

Verse 2
sei mora rasa-nidhi, sei mora vāñchā-siddhi, sei mor vedera dharama
sei brata sei tapa, sei mora mantra-japa,sei mor dharama-karama

The key to nectarine treasure of devotional service is surrenderence to the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari. The desire to worship those lotus feet is the perfection of all enlightenment.

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There is no other Veda to study apart from constantly remembering the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari which will bestow what even the Vedas cannot.

The result of all austerities, penance and chanting is the steadfastness and faith in these lotus feet. Morality and religiousity are blank terms now as worshipping Sri Rupa Manjari's lotus feet in his heart has become his only duty.

Verse 3
anukūla habe vidhi, se-pade hoibe siddhi, nirakhibo e dui nayane

se rūpa-mādhurī-rāśi, prāṇa-kuvalaya-śaśi, praphullita habe niśi-dine

Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada longingly awaits that day when the stars of destiny will prove fruitful in his favour. On that day by the unmatchable grace of the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari, he, by his own eyes will witness her divine, resplendent and most beautiful transcendental form.

Sri Rupa Manjari's compassionate and loving eyes will provide Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada the vision to see his own form as an intimate maidservant of Srimati Radharani, thus actually coming back to reality after the fearful dream of material life.

Having the sweet vision of her Guru Sakhi and his own self shining in his heart like millions of moons, Srila Narottama Das Thakur Prabhupada will remain happy throughout day and night.

Verse 4
tuwā adarśana-ahi, garale jāralo dehī, ciro-dina tāpita jīvanahā
hā rūpa koro doyā, deho more pada-chāyā, narottama loilo śaraṇa

Having the lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari fixed in his mind but unable to see her, Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada feels as if his body is ablaze with fire which can be cooled down only by the darsan of Sri Rupa Manjari.

Helplessly crying for her one loving glance, he finds his existence to be unbearable. Weepingly praying for the shade of her lotus feet, Srila Narottam Das Thakur Prabhupada begs for Sri Rupa to be merciful on him.

Completely surrendering himself having no identity apart from the servitor of lotus feet of Sri Rupa Manjari, Narottam Das Thakur sings this pada (prayers)...

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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