The confidential secret which makes one advance spiritually leaps and bounds

Rasika Vaishnavas in Vrindavan say that there is a very confidential and hidden secret that makes Krishna very pleased with the seeker and this simple sutra can help skyrocket the spiritual advancement of a devotee by billion times, and they don't need to go the long way of going through all scriptures, rules and regulations of vaidhi bhakti.

The simple sutra as stated by Rasika Vaishnavas in Vrindavan is:


Prabhu mere hain. (Krishna is mine. He is mine).


It sounds too simple. Isn't it?

I recall Aindra Prabhu's words "Bhakti is simple for simple and complex for the complex." This simple sutra has huge potency. Krishna likes apnapan (own feeling) of the devotee for Him.

This is why Krishna is most happy in Vrindavan and always resides here. Here vrajavasis don't treat him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes and Parmatma or the Supersoul, as done outside of Vrindavan.

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Here, for the mothers, Krishna is their lalla (dear child), for gopis, He is their lover Kanha, for the cowherd friends, He is their favourite sakha (best friend), for cows, He is their Gopal, and what to speak of Srimati Radharani, for whom, He is Her all and everything, dear most priyatam Shyamsundar.

This approach of "Krishna is mine" is in the mood of vrajavasis. One's destiny, fate and very own ahankar (ego) don't really matter when one just accepts that Krishna is mine.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is none other than Krishna Himself appeared 500 years ago in Mayapur and gave the simple Hare Krishna Mahamantra for reviving the individual relationship of conditioned souls with the Divine Couple. Just by chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna | Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Rama Hare Rama | Rama Rama Hare Hare regularly, all direction unto the path of topmost vraja prema bhakti manifest within the heart of the devotee on its own.

Embrace the Hare Krishna Mahamantra with a mood that Krishna is mine and He is carrying me to inner confidential Vrindavan Prema Rasa. Do not fear and keep on chanting more and more. With sincere chanting, desperation, greed (lobha) and desire (lalsa) for prema bhakti, all the direction will come to you on own. Nama or Hare Krishna Mahamantra has all the hidden potency of rupa, guna, lila and dham of Divine Couple, and it is simple for the simple. Do not ever forget that Krishna is mine (yours)!

Jai Jai Shri Radhe

Hare Krishna

Vrindavan awaits you!

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