It's been about a week that I updated the digital diary.
Had been engaged in work primarily. Holi was also there but was mostly kind of locked on the computer screen owing to a lot of professional commitments.
Frankly, I don't remember much of what happened in the past few days.
Holi was awesome. Had put some updates on Instagram as well. You should follow Vraj Vrindavan on Instagram if you are active there. The Instagram Profile is colourful and might help seekers remember Vrindavan at all times.
Had gone last day to Bhandirvan to do my 16 rounds and Gayatri. It had been a while since I had visited Bhandirvan. Radharani inspired last morning to visit there.
Also, Radharani made an impromptu arrangement and engaged me to do a new project on Astasakhis. Will be visiting all Astasakhi villages very soon (might be in a couple of days). All the Astasakhis villages are within 5 km radius from Barsana, around 50 km from Vrindavan.
I am quite excited about Astasakhis project as the references and passtimes of Astasakhis are well described in Govinda Lilamrta.
Tungvidya Sakhi explanations and poetic descriptions make even Radharani blush and smile shyly. That's why Prabhodananda Saraswati Thakur's Vrindavan Mahimarta and Radha Rasa Sudha Nidhi are so poetic, as he is none other Tungavidhya Sakhi in Nitya-Goloka-Vrindavan!!
Will hopefully try to write diary frequently henceforth.
Also, a very powerful quote came in front of me today. But a bit of background information before revealing the quote. So we were going to Ter Kadamaba during the second last day of Kartik (2019). It was around 3 PM. I was driving and a fellow vrajvasi friend was sitting behind. Since we were along the Mathura-Delhi highway, I was zooming the bike around 90-100 km/hr and overtook an SUV. A few moments later, the same SUV zoomed ahead of us and there came out a hand from the rear seat signalling us to stop.
We got excited and stopped on the left side. My friend jumped out as soon as our vehicle came to halt. I also got down in a split second, put on the bike-stand and marched ahead to the car window immediately. Then bang. My bike fell on the road! Actually, the stand was not put in the right manner.
Maharaj said, "Easy easy. No hurry.. No hurry." I saw the bike, didn't know to pick it or leap up to the car window first. Maharaj signalled to pick the bike first. I did the needful and went to the rear window of the car. Maharaj was happy to see our child-like enthusiasm.
It was Nav Yogendra Maharaj. He gave us some mahaprasad and asked us if we were heading to Barsana. I responded that we are going to Ter Kamadaba to do japa, then we will proceed to Barsana, and then we will take a dip at Radha Kund in the night before returning back to Vrindavan. He was very happy listening to our itinerary and blessed us.
So, it was Nav Yogendra Maharaj's quote which came in front of me today on social media while I was posting something for Vraj Vrindavan. It said, "Actually this Krishna Consciousness movement is meant only for returning back home, back to Godhead. It is not for anything else. If anyone is planning something else then that is a big mistake and we must rectify each other."
This is so so so in need of the hour for sincere seekers who want to attain topmost madhurya prema bhakti in highest viprahlambha bhav. That's what our Mahaprabhu and Rasika Acharyas came to give us in spite of our zero qualification. That is the core siddhanta (philosophy) of vraj-prema-bhakti!!! We are Kali Yuga rejects who are internally searching for our ORIGINAL TRUE constitutional position as an eternal part of Radharani and Krishna in Nitya Goloka Vrindavan (in one of 5 rasas)!!!
We are not a social organisation and a band of lifestyle experts. There is nothing called as social welfare in this material world (Don't misread this. Keep reading)!! Srila Prabhupada clearly writes this in Bhagavatam and at many places. Srila Prabhupada used to say, "I don't care if you live or die but if you are following my principles, follow it very seriously." His letter to Mahatma Gandhi and so many leaders back in 1947-1950 are also a testimonial to this fact. These references are only for seekers who are not aware of it.
Frankly, in this spiritual path, references and all are good until one accepts that the overall conclusion is nama nama nama!!! Whatever books one reads and whatever one speaks, until one has understood that this KALI YUGA is all about taking nama nama nama, until then it's a BIG ZERO no matter whatever adulterated siddhanta and lifestyle drama gets them thousands of claps and praises!!
For sincere seekers though, it's not zero as they will get further direction sooner. Though, the beauty of this path is that one will definitely get kalyan (advancement spiritually) no matter what but we are talking about prema here which is eventually the true prayojana (goal) of Mahaprabhu! Check this article on how to get prema!
As one consciousness gets cleansed by sincere chanting of Hare Krishna Mahamantra and kripa of guru tattva, their heart itself becomes the praman (proof). Those in vaidhi bhakti, and are not yet kripa patra (object of mercy) of guru tattva in a complete manner won't be able to understand the last sentence.
Everybody is Krishna only, playing in different different moods hence a sincere seeker should focus on their individual highest goal of realisation of their own eternal constitutional position only, as directed by true bonafide authentic Premi Rasika Vaishnavas.
One needs to know the siddhanta in true terms before going out for preaching. A quick disclaimer that I write on this site for my own bhajan by recalling words of Rasika Acharyas and as inspired by Vrindavan Dham, and not for anybody or anything else. I am made to do this Vraj Vrindavan project for my own bhajan as directed by my guru tattva. I would prefer nobody visiting this site. Those who are land up on it, up to Radharani and them.
So, the leadership needs to know about the true siddhanta. That's what Aindra Prabhu stressed so so much in his book as well as his lectures. Frankly, this material world is hell and confusions and hiding of real prema-tattva will be there as not everyone is adhikari (eligible) for the real vraj-prema-bhakti without guru kripa. This article on Who is eligible for preaching might be something which will help sincere seekers a lot.
Jai Jai Shri Radhe!
Hare Krishna!
- Wanted to keep this diary short but seems Radharani gave a lot of content, and upon re-reading it, I feel to retain the later part of it as this is also a very important discussion for sincere seekers who are really looking for topmost vraj-prema-bhakti.
- I will just paste the most important part of the entire diary again: "Everybody is Krishna only, playing in different different moods hence a sincere seeker should focus on theirindividual highest goal of realisation of their own eternal constitutional position only, as directed by true bonafide authentic Premi Rasika Vaishnavas."