Feb 19: On some days, I get inspired to impromptu go and do my 16 rounds and Gayatri at Srila Prabhupada's room and Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir at Radha Damodar Mandir.
Today also the same stuff happened. While I woke up today morning and looked at the picture of Radharani adjacent to my sleeping position, I got an immediate thought of going to Damodar Mandir.
It takes around 7 rounds to walk to Damodar Mandir from my place. When I go there, I prefer to walk and not drive via bike (Swamini Prerna) as the monkeys outside scratch the seat of vehicles there. Also, there are many cases of bike theft there. I know a baba who sits there in the evening and knows me well. In the evening, he is there so I can take Swamini Prena (bike) then but in the morning, I prefer to walk via parikrama marg.
Today also happens to be Ekadashi. In Vrindavan, thousands of devotees do parikrama of Vrindavan. Out of 64 angas (modes) of devotion, one of anga is parikrama or circumambulating.
Anyway, I just felt inspired to sit for maximum time at Damodar Mandir so I walked there.
Srila Prabhupada writes that at Damodar Mandir, anybody by their sincere bhajan can take instructions from Acharyas like Srila Rupa Goswami, Srila Jiva Goswami etc. I have attached the picture of exact words of Prabhupada (on Vraj Vrindavan Instagram Story) here.
The guru tattva is very deep. It's only the kripa-bal (mercy) of Rasika Acharyas that helps a sincere seeker sprout all understanding of guru tattva directly in the heart.
When the heart becomes fertile, the guru tattva sprouts in the heart by sincere chanting of Hare Krishna Mahamantra.
When one chants Hare Krishna Mahamantra in the mood of intense vraj-prema-bhakti and a longing to serve Radha-Krishna in Nitya-Goloka Vrindavan, maha-mantra guides the seeker to guru tattva, either in prakat (physical) form or via the heart and directs the seeker to the Gayatri mantra.
This Gayatri mantra or 2nd initiation is meant to augment prema bhkati and give Swarup (eternal position of the soul) quickly. Gayatri works only when given by the bonafide guru. Those who are sincere and want to serve Radharani and Krishna might refer to this article on "Guru tattva, how to identity guru, different types of guru." As inspired by Sri Vrindavan Dham, I will request ONLY the sincere readers to read the article on guru tattva for sure. Rest of the readers can ignore that article.
Anyway, after coming back from Damodar Mandir at around 12.30 PM, was working on my different IT and Media initiatives, when had got a call from a dear vrajavsi friend if I wanted to accompany him for a dip at Radha Kund. That's not an opportunity to miss.
Taking even a single dip at Radha Kund is a sure shot way to get prema-bhakti. One should read Nectar of instruction, be aware of the position of Krishna, Radharani, Mahaprabhu, Hare Krishna Mahamantra before taking a dip at Radha Kund. It's the highest place in entire creation!
The mood and ideal prayers of taking a dip in Radha Kund as taught to me by a vrajvasi maiya (vrajvasi mother) is mentioned in detail here.
Radha Kund is the highest place of worship for Gaudiya Vaishnavas. It's tough to describe. If Sri Vrindavan Dham inspires me later, will cover this.
One should chant Hare Krishna Mahamantra, read Advanced Spirituality Guide and go through these books to dive further in the understanding of core tattva of prema-bhakti.
Feb 20: Today was a busy day. Was working since morning 5.45 AM - 2 PM continuously on multiple projects. Then at late noon, Radharani inspired from within to go to Bhandirvan quickly.
Bhandirvan is the place where the passtime of the marriage of Radharani and Krishna took place. I love Bhandirvan and usually go there every 3-4 days for doing my nama-japa. You can read the complete Bhandirvan Guide here. The baba who handles the temple there knows me well, and whenever I go, he offers such warmth, love and shares exclusive inner confidential stories. If Srimati Radharani inspires, I will write all those inner stories on this website some other day.
Today he was telling that as soon as one says Ra, Krishna gives them all bhakti, and as one says Dha, Krishna runs behind them. So, even if one has said Radha once in their life even by mistake, Krishna is already sold to them! Radharani is the heart of Krishna. This tattva can't be understood by reading or listening and may sound weird especially to a person who doesn't know about the devotional path. But by simply chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra intensely, all direction will sprout in the heart of the sincere seeker.
It's 9 PM already and I am feeling extremely sleepy as have been up since early morning non-stop without taking any break as such.
I will just warm the khidhi prasadam that I made for my Divine Couple in the morning and will quickly have it before dozing off to sleep.
Jai Shri Radhe! Jai Shri Shyam! Jai Jai Shri Vrindavan Dham!
Hare Krishna!