Vraj Vrindavan | Digital Diary #6 | Feb 25-27′ 20 | Work, Vraj Vrindavan App, Aindra Prabhu App, Gokul, Barsana

Feb 25 - Work. Crazy work! Then nama japa and lectures by Rasika Acharyas before dozing off to sleep.

Also, was inspired by Sri Vrindavan Dham to write a detailed biography of Krishna today morning impromptu.

I had begun posting articles on this site consistently only for my own meditation from late Dec '19 (around a couple of months ago). In Jan '20, had posted a Radha Nama GIF image (with flowers showering on Radharani's name) on this site.

It was for a reason that whatever Radharani inspires for this site, She will guide it accordingly. Today, She finally inspired to write a detailed biography of Krishna. Check it here and do share it with your like-minded friends in devotee community if Sriji inspires you.

Feb 26 - Today was suddenly inspired to write about brahmacharya. This is a topic not discussed much in public vertical and requires guru-kripa to transcend. The material world is hell.

As directed by guru tattva, am instructed that forgetting everything except Vrindavan, guru tattva (guru manjari), Radharani and Krishna is the truth.

Yet, as was inspired to write on it hence opened lectures by Rasika Acaryas and recalled teaching and exact words of Vedic Scriptures. Just translated it quickly. Writing for 40-50 minutes was so dry. Chanting of names of Lord made sure that I was made to write this quickly. It's a dry subject but is extremely needed as seekers need to transcend this part for pure vraj-prema-bhakti, and frankly, it is the biggest bonding of the material world.

Except for Radharani and Krishna passtimes, all are incomplete and weird. Radharani knows better why She made me an instrument to put up that article. You can listen to your heart to read it. For seekers who are already in asta yam chintan and have guru-kripa, all that is irrelevant as Krishna protects them. For other seekers, the article might be very very helpful. Here's the link.

Demystifying the Mystical Vrindavan Book Ad on site

The book 'Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan' is the essence and crux of this entire website.

If you are considering to dive into the final goal of our Vedic Scriptures and spiritual life, and if Radharani inspires you, do get a copy of the book .

Later in the evening, listened to lectures by Rasika Acharyas, read some inner books by Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakur as Vrindavan Dham inspired impromptu. Two pages are enough to make one cry. Though one should follow this order of books.

Later in the evening, did my Gayatri. This is very powerful and straight away dives one in inner tattva of Vrindavan Prema Rasa. You can read about it here (Read it completely. Don't skip in between else you will miss the purpose)

Btw Radharani is inspiring to hide content on this website. She has made me write many confidential aspects in the last two month on this website. Upto Radharani and the seekers on how to scout such articles on this site. The list of all content is here. Check if Radharani inspires you.

So now She is inspiring to hide such content by writing general topic articles at times. Also, traffic is increasing on the site. It's up to her and the reader. I am just doing this for own meditation. For me, my chintan (meditation) on to my Divine Couple is my only intention.

Also, had visited Gokul today. Check the pictures on our Facebook or Instagram page. Also, had some vraj ki roti, sabzi, chaas offered with love by local baba there.

Feb 27 - Barsana!!! The abode of Radharani! Felt intense longing. As soon as woke up today, got the first thought to go to Barsana. Anyway, it is our nitya home. I am just wrapping up work.

This daily diary is the second last work pending. It's already 1.50 PM and I am leaving by 2.30 PM. Have to check and apply for a google developer account for Vraj Vrindavan android app. Had skipped out of mind. Will do so after finishing this diary in next 5-10 minutes. It will just take 2 minutes and $25 for a google developer account.

Might be that we will also launch Aindra Prabhu's Kirtan App or something like this. Let me know if you have any suggestion. His appearance day is soon coming (March 12, 1953) and Sriji inspired me with this thought of exclusive Aindra Prabhu app like a couple of days ago. Though it may sound funny, but I share my birthday with Aindra Prabhu (at least as per the western calendar. Lol). His kirtans, teachings and book are my most inner treasure. His shudh nama sankirtans are 247 playing on speakers at my home.

Barsana calling. Srimati Radhaaaraniiiii ki Jaii hooo!!

Vrindavan is beautiful!

Nama Nama Nama

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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