Meaning of ‘Srila’ and ‘Sripad’

Meaning of Srila

Srila is composed of two words Sri and La. Sri means beauty. It is also an honorary term for a respectable person (as a mark of respect for them).

La means lila (or passtimes of Divine Couple Sri Radha and Sri Krishna).

So, Srila is a title of honour awarded to sanyasis and Rasika Acharyas who have their heart beautified with the nitya asta kaliya lila of Divine Couple!

Meaning of Sripad

Sripad is composed of two words Sri and Pada. The meaning of Sri has been explained in the earlier section as well.

Pada means the Lotus Feet of Krishna.

So Sripad is one who has taken the complete shelter of lotus feet of Krishna. Purna Sharanagati (Full surrender)!!

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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