Weather in Vrindavan

The temperature in Vrindavan is peculiar and is really extreme. It's not easy to adapt to weather in Vrindavan unless one takes shelter of nama and Rasika Vaishnavas.

The detailed temperature in Vrindavan and Vraj Bhumi in different seasons of the year are as follows:

  • Mid-April to Mid-July: Very hot and humid with temperature meter touching 50˚C. It really becomes difficult to step out of home post 9 AM until 7.30 PM during the summer.
  • Mid-July to October: Nice weather with the temperature being in that 25-30˚C range. Monsoon rains also lash Vrindavan around June End or July first week. The weather becomes very beautiful with trees and shrubs laden with warmth and fresh greenery. The water level in Yamuna Maharani rises and it is a beautiful experience to sit at Keshi Ghat and do bhajan or nama-japa.
  • November to January: It starts to get cold by the first week of November. You really need a single layer of a sweater to keep yourself warm and not fall sick. As the November end and December first week approaches, you can really feel a chilly sensation as you step out of your home. Towards the end of December till mid of January, it's extremely cold with temperature levels touching 1-3˚C. You need at least 2 thick blankets and multiple layers of warm clothes to survive here.
  • February to Mid-April: This is the best time of year. Autumn brings joy to residents of Vraj. Just by stepping outside and seeing the plants lush green as well as the beautiful weather outside, you just feel like going and visiting different places of Vraj and meditate on the pastimes there.

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