Vrajvasis or residents of Vrindavan are very special. They consider that Radharani is theirs and they are of Radharani’s. They own Sri Radha. It is in the line of topmost prema-bhakti. Externally, they may appear normal but it requires kripa (mercy) of Vrindavan Dham to see their inner love. There’s a reason why devotees who […]
At every step of life, I encounter severe problems. How do I overcome this?
No matter whatever good or bad condition in life, a sincere seeker should learn to agree with Lord’s plan. Joi Joi Pyaro Karo Soi More Bhave. Our Divine Couple always have plans for us and it is something which is for our benefit in the long run. Even if it might appear difficult initially, but […]
The Confidential Tattva of Nitya (eternal) Ananda (bliss) and free flow of mercy of Nityananda Prabhu!
So, Balarama Ji or Nityananda Prabhu (who are non-different) are considered as param guru by exalted Gaudiya Saints. It is also said that Krishna is the original guru tattva who manifests as Balarama Ji (in Krishna Lila) or Nityananda Prabhu (in Gaur Lila). Nityananda Prabhu is the ocean of mercy, and more merciful than Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu […]
How to get topmost inner confidential vraj-prema-bhakti
If our Divine Couple Sri Radha and Sri Krishna meet anyone, then They meet only when bound by love (prema). However clever one tries to be with actions or jugglery of words, then it is not something that will please Srimati Radharani and Krishna. They are looking at one’s heart. Nothing is hidden from Them. […]
What is the ideal prayer to Radharani and Krishna while chanting nama-japa, or even in general?
When I was beginning my spiritual journey in 2014, I had heard from a sincere devotee that his prayers are that “Hey Krishna I can leave you anytime, but you please do not leave me whatever. Do save me. I am fallen and influenced by Kali Yuga. Hey Lord, Please save me at all times […]
Is it important to read scriptures and Vedic books to gain spiritual knowledge?
Nama japa and complete surrender on Krishna sprout all knowledge and science in the heart of the sincere seeker on its own. For example, Maharishi Valmiki just by chanting ma-ra ma-ra (which is a reversed form of ra-ma) got all realisation of spiritual knowledge and composed the Ramayana – The biography of Lord Rama! Same […]
The 3 shakti (energy) of shaktiman Sri Krishna (energetic)! (Very Confidential)
Shakti Shaktiman Abhinaya, or Shakti (Energy) and Shaktiman (Energetic) are non-different. If Krishna is shaktiman (Energetic), then Radha is shakti (energy). Shaktiman (Energetic) can’t exist without shakti (Energy). There is no difference between sun and sun rays. The light coming from the lamp and its rays are non-different. Similarly, there is no difference between Sri Radha and Sri […]
Why Krishna is blue in colour? [Confidential & Holi Special]
Krishna is bluish-black in colour. There is an interesting thing about the blue colour. It absorbs all other colours! The ocean and sky are blue in colour. Krishna wears yellow coloured clothes (pitambar). Yellow stands for giving light and direction. The colour of the sun is yellow. Without the sun, life is not possible. Krishna […]
How to get 1/6th spiritual credit of Rasika Acharyas?
When you remember Rasika Vaishnavas like Srila Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Raghunath Das Goswami, Vishwanath Cakravarti Thakur, Srila Prabhupada, Aindra Prabhu etc, you get the 1/6th part (or 18%) of their bhajan (spiritual credit) immediately. Just remember any Rasika Vaishnavas and just think how it feels internally. You feel bliss, you feel home. You begin to remember […]
Where did Jagannath Ji appear for the first time?
Krishna as Jagannath is based in Puri and everybody knows about it. But very few know that Jagannath Ji actually appeared in Vrindavan for the first time! We will attempt to discuss this in a short paraphrased manner. So, after Krishna had left Vrindavan (for the lila purpose. He never leaves Vrindavan in truth), Radharani […]