In devotional life, how should we ask questions for our spiritual advancement?

As I have learnt by the grace and mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Guru Shishya Parampara, there are certain etiquettes of asking questions in Vaishnav Siddhanta.

Questions should be asked in a humble and submissive mode, and strictly not in a loud, authoritative or dominant tone to any manifestations of Guru Tattva.

While asking questions, a little introduction of oneself in a humble unqualified mode and gratefulness to the predecessor Acharyas and Guru Shishya Parampara is a must else the seeker is ineligible to receive the answers at that point.

While asking any question, a sincere seeker or devotee should never claim to be doing all things right in spiritual life as it is a big subtle ego, especially when one knows deep down that they are deeply fallen, having multiple anarthas and so many shortcomings.

The interesting thing is that just asking a question doesn’t reserve the right to be answered in devotional life. A seeker should be eligible (adhikari) to receive the answer based on their simplicity, simple heart and mainly Guru Kripa.

Chant as much Nama sincerely, be in Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet and request him to guide. He is most karunamayi and will arrange it all mercifully at the right time.

Vrindavan Dham ki Jai!

Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!

Hare Krishna!

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