Kay bacha ke pet aur ghat kare vilas Rasik Acharya’s stress again and again to become like a child, so as to let the Guru and the Divine Couple Themselves take charge. If the child has to go somewhere, it is the duty of the mother to take the child to that destination, as she […]
ABCDE of spiritual life for beginners!
These ABCDE of spiritual life are the secret keys for sincere spiritual seekers who are really looking for actually finding the real purpose of life and wish to approach topmost vraj-prema-bhakti in all seriousness. A: Association of Rasika Vaishnavas (Check the inner meaning here). B: Books written by Rasika Vaishnavas like Srila Prabhupada, Six Goswamis […]
The secret to winning in the spiritual path
Losing! Yes, Rasika Acharyas say again and again that losing is the secret to winning in the spiritual path. In other worldly activities, we are taught to get the first position and win it all. But in the spiritual path, once a sincere seeker becomes a kid and humbly accepts their loss internally, then that […]
Srila Prabhupada Vyas Puja (1997) Offering by Aindra Prabhu (Transcription) – Eternal form of Spiritual Master, ISKCON Movement is complete
Aindra Prabhu’s words and kirtan have nourished us all with the desperation to be back to our Divine Couple and all our Acharyas. However, in words I try, it would be impossible to convey the kripa (mercy) and the impact he has had on so many of us to take to kirtan and nama as […]
The confidential mercy of Sri Ananga Manjari & Sri Rupa Manjari
In Nitya Goloka Vrindavan, Jahnva Maiya is Ananga Manjari, and Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhupada is Sri Rupa Manjari. They engage all up-manjaris and mukya manjaris (maid-servants) in the intimate loving service of Divine Couple Sri Radha and Sri Krishna. This is a confidential subject and as Sriji inspires me to put a note; please do […]
Gaudiya & Vrindavan Rasika Acharyas in their spiritual form (Vraj Swarup)
Pancatattva Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: Radha Krishna (Krishna in mood of Radharani) Sri Nityananda Prabhu: Balarama Dau / Sri Ananga Manjari Sri Advaita Acharya: Sada Shiva + Sri Mahavishnu Sri Gadhadhara Pandit: Sri Lalita Sakhi + Srimati Radharani Sri Srivas Acharya: Sri Narada Muni Sri Jahnva Maiya: Sri Ananga Manjari / Revati Maiya Asta Goswami’s (Asta […]
Sriji only sees the sambandh (relationship) and nothing else!
Rasika Acharyas proclaim that if a seeker just simply repeats and establishes within their heart that “Sriji is mine and I am Sriji’s,” then they don’t have to do any such sadhana bhajan and all knowledge and all path to the main prayojana (goal) of Vraj Prema Bhakti will simply unfold before them on own […]
Important Verses from Sri Vrindavan Mahimamrta | Srila Prabhodananda Saraswati Thakur
Srila Prabhodananda Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada is Sri Tungvidya Sakhi in Nitya Goloka Vrindavan, one amongst the Asta Sakhis of Srimati Radharani. In Gaur Lila, Srila Prabhodananda Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada appears as uncle to Srila Gopal Bhatt Goswamipada, who is one of the six Goswami’s instructed by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to reveal Vrindavan to the world. As […]
Few last days of Purusottam Mas (Month) 2020 – Cheatcodes to advance million times spiritually!
Purushottam (2020) Mas (Month) is scheduled to culminate on 16th October. There are still 5 days remaining. A normal Google search will tell you about the significance and story behind Purusottam or Adhik Mas. Aindra Prabhu stresses very highly on visiting Vrindavan in Purusottam. In Kartik, you get 1000 times benefit of bhajan, and in […]
Get ready for Kartik | A list of checkpoints for all Vaishnavas and Hare Krishna devotees
Ready for Kartik? Acharyas and Rasika Vaishnavas tell us a few niyam (rules) we should set for ourself to get 1000x advancement in bhakti during Kartik. For example, take into consideration any normal day. You chant Hare Krishna maha-mantra Hare Krishna Hare Krishna | Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | Hare Rama Hare Rama | Rama […]