Vraj Vrindavan | Digital Diary #2 | Feb 16′ 20 | Listening to lectures on Vrindavan Prema Rasa, Facebook Optimisation

Had heard from Rasika Acharyas that there are two types of devotees in regards to surrender on Krishna.

One of them is of types, "I will do this today for Krishna, I will do that tomorrow for Krishna." They will plan their entire life, make stories and whatnot. 

But the second type of surrender as mentioned by Rasika Acharyas is something that is brilliant and confidential. The second type of devotees don't plan even their next moment, leave apart hours or day.

They will remember Radharani moment by moment, or will try to keep thinking about Radharani, Krishna, Vrindavan passtimes, and will wake up every morning and see what Radharani has planned for them to bring them closer to inner confidential Vrindavan Prema Rasa.

I had heard this sutra from Rasika Vaishnavas and had inferred it as an instruction of my bahu guru-tattva, and since then have tried to embrace this dearly. 

Prior to that, as it happens in professional lives, we get used to so much planning and plotting in mind. Vrindavan Dham and guru-tattva dragged me to execute this sutra of depending fully on Radharani. Now I don't have planning for my next 5 minutes also, leave apart day or life. Entire Vraj Vrindavan or any of my work, bhajan or travelling to different places in Vraj Bhumi for that matter is all impromptu as inspired by Sri Vrindavan Dham. 

I have no particular time to wake up, sleep, eat or travel and completely depend on how Sri Vrindavan Dham inspires me (from within) the moment I wake up every day.

As have been inspired by few Premi Devotees, Aindra Prabhu's Kirtan is always on in my room 247 mostly (even while sleeping), unless I am out or am writing some serious article as inspired by Vrindavan Dham or doing my serious professional work.

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The book 'Demystifying The Mystical Vrindavan' is the essence and crux of this entire website.

If you are considering to dive into the final goal of our Vedic Scriptures and spiritual life, and if Radharani inspires you, do get a copy of the book .

I usually wake up by the sound of pigeons doing tuuu tuuu in my balcony.  It used to irritate me initially, but now I see them as a natural alarm clock that Krishna and Radharani come in the form of. There is a male and female pigeon that sleeps in my balcony and as soon as morning rays are out in the sky, they start their tuu tuuu. Earlier I used to open my glass door, and push them out but now, I just shout Sriii Radheee warmly and they become silent hearing this.

As I wake up, I loudly shout Radhe or Sri Radha, look at the picture of Radharani just placed adjacent to my pillow and then straight away put on some lecture by Rasika Acharyas. 

Today morning, I felt like taking a light break and not travelling out to any place for my japa, which am inspired to do sometimes. I often go to Bhandirvan, Krishna Balarama Mandir, Ter Kadamba, Radha Kund, Radha Damodar Mandir or Yamuna Ghat for my japa. Except Krishna Balarama Mandir, all places are very peaceful and less visited by.

Had been regularly travelling and going to some places around Vraj consistently for many days hence decided to stay at home only today. Did some basic work, cooked rice and chole for my Divine Couple, and put on lectures by Rasika Acharyas. Answered some DM on Vraj Vrindavan Instagram as Radharani inspired from within.

Optimised Facebook page of Vraj Vrindavan. Last few days, this page has been growing quite quickly. It's already over 1100 likes in just about 2 months without much effort on it. You can like the page and join the private Facebook community if you want to stay more connected to Vrindavan.

Did my other media and consulting related work and my japa. A peaceful day indeed.

The best part was listening to a particular section of a lecture (by Rasika Acharyas) that was about the passtime from where Hare Krishna Mahamantra descends. I won't mention the details (as it has been instructed by my guru tattva) but would give a clue to seekers who want to dive in this. You can read this complete article and somehow that particular point which I am talking about is placed there strategically.

Received few good responses of the last day's diary hence thought to write this today as well. It's 10.20 PM now, and I feel like listening to more lectures on Vrindavan Prema Rasa. Vrindavan is beautiful! Isn't it?

You can explore the list of all content on this website and keep on meditating on Vrindavan digitally. There are a lot of confidential aspects of Vrindavan Prema Rasa on this site but have been placed strategically so that only the sincere seekers can take the crux from it. Have been guided by my guru tattva and Vrindavan Dham to do this intentionally. As in this path, it's up to the seeker to identify and take the inner message of vraj-prema-bhakti.

Nama Nama Nama!

Jai Jai Shri Radhe!

Hare Krishna!

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